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i dont know and it isnt on Google or ask or bing or Yahoo

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Q: What is the use of orthographic grid paper?
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What is orthographic grid paper?

Orthographic grid paper is grid paper that allows for isometric drawings. This allows for 3 dimensional drawings, and is common for drawing construction diagrams, as-builts and such. For example, you could use this to account length, width, and elevation.

What is a centimeter grid paper?

centimeter grid paper is a grid paper having many square boxes each of 1 cm.

What do paper factories use to power their machines?

Mostly Electricity from Grid

How did Albrecht Durer use a grid format for creating his work?

He had a wire grid standing in front of him, and a similar grid drawn on a paper. Looking at the subject thruogh the grid, he saw one part of the subject through each square of the grid. He then drew in each square on the paper exactly what he saw through each square of the wire grid.

How can use grid paper models to find factor pairs for that number?


How do you accurately find the side length of a square drawn on dot paper or grid paper?

Use the Pythagorean Theorem.

What views are frequently used in orthographic sketches?

Orthographic sketches are usually in a 3-D form. This type of drawing is sometimes done on graph paper and shows a cut-away version of an object.

What are orthographic blueprints?

An orthographic image is a three-dimensional object. Orthographic blueprints are used for the different views like the front, side, top, bottom and rear. Using blueprints when creating an orthographic image allows you to be much more accurate with the result than if you didn't use them.

What is orthographic?

what is orthographic sketching all about?

Explain how you could use grid paper to draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 18 units?

i dont know the anwser

What are the steps in making orthographic drawings?


What is the past tense of grid?

A grid, like on graph paper, has no past tense.The past tense of grid, other wise, is grit.