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To return the exp. or const

to the main fumction.

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Q: What is the use of return function in C programming?
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Why you use void res in c programming?

since, the word 'void' in C programming language means that it does not return any value to the user or calling function....this is usually used to specify a type of function...... for this reason w use 'void'in c program..

How many types of function in C?

Well, it depends on what you mean by the type of a function. There are user defined functions and library functions.

What an example of a function?

In C-programming: int main (void) { return 0; }

How does the compiler differentiate the statement and function in C programming?

statement should not return a value but function returns a value

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There are no commands in C-programming, you should use function sqrt from math.h

How do you use return?

In C/C++ programming and most other procedural languages, you use a return statement to return control to the calling function. In the case of the global main function, a returnstatement terminates the program, releasing all memory used by the program and returning control to the execution environment.Functions that return void do not return a value and therefore do not require a return statement, unless the function needs to return early (before falling off the end of the function). Functions that return values must use a returnstatement to return the appropriate value to the caller.In C++ (but not in C), the global main function does not require a return statement unless returning early. When omitted, the global main function implicitly returns the value 0 (to the execution environment) when execution falls off the end of the function. To return any other value, a return statement is required.

Where do you use no argument no return in c function?

Where there is no need to return any type of value from a function

What is void command in c sharp programming?

void simply means you don't have anything to return w/in a function, it is the same as return 0; public void sample() { MessageBox.Show("This Function do not return anything"); }

How do you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in programming?

convertFtoC = function(F) {return (5/9)*(F-32) }convertCtoF = function(C) {return (9/5)*C + 32; }

What is the use of return in function in c?

To return the exp. or const to the main fumction.

Why you use 'integer' before function in C language?

To specify the return-type of the function.

Why is void main kept in c programming?

Not all host environments make use of a C program's return value, thus some implementations still allow the void main function signature. C++ does not permit it, however. All C++ programs must return an integer whether the environment uses it or not.