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Q: What is the use of savlon in first aid kit?
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Related questions

What is different to a surival kit and a first aid kit?

A first aid kit is for medical use a survival kit is for survival in some emergency like getting lost in the jungle, mountains, at sea. A survival kit should contain a first aid kit.

Do you have to train your employees in first aid?

yes you do because some of the employees don't know how to use a first aid kit

What container can you use to make a first aid kit?

you can use a shoes box and wrap it with cartage paper

What is a good brand of first-aid emergency kit that is suitable for home use?

Johnson and Johnson is a great brand for a first-aid emergency kit. It has all the stuff you need at home for it, and it can be used on children or adults.

Use and purpose of a whistle in a first aid kit?

Too call for help if you cannot yell.

What is the use of a radio in the first aid kit?

So you can listen to the local emergency channel for directions .

What is the purpose of the first aid guide i which is included in the first aid kit?

Well, the purpose of the First aid kit guide probably just so you can have a quick look through it if you have trained or is training to be a first aider and could help you along the way! In a lot of places such as schools, construction sites, general industries, etc. first aid treatments training are already being given to employees in case of emergencies but in those industries, first aid kits are already required. "

Why do first aid kits and pain pills help people?

because if they are injured or shot, use a first aid kit. if you have a ear, arm, leg or foot infection, use pain piils

Should you put alcohol in a first aid kit?

For a first aid kit, you would want to use rubbing alcohol. You can usually find small bottles of these at a pharmacy or find pre-soaked pads that come individually wrapped.

What are the enamel bowl useful for in the first aid kit use for?

Nowadays, enamel bowls are not used in First Aid. Typically, you don't want anything in your kit that is particularly heavy and delicate, and that leaves dangerous, sharp shards behind when it breaks.

What is the use of a Roller bandage in the First Aid kit?

A roller bandage can be used for compression or to immobilize an injured body part.

How do you treat excessive bleeding using a first aid kit?

Use sterile bandages and apply direct pressure to the area.