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A slanting roof means that any rain on the roof will drain rather quickly thanks to gravity. Makes it easier to keep the water from getting into the house that way.

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Q: What is the use of slanting roof houses?
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Type of house with a slanting roof?

Most houses have sloping roofs including Ranch, Colonial, cottage, saltbox...

What are the techniques for constructing houses in the areas of heavy rainfall?

A technique for constructing houses in areas of heavy rainfall is steeply sloping roofs. The steeply sloping roof will allow the rainwater to run off and avoid it collecting on the roof, adding unwanted weight to the roof.

Why do houses on mountains have sloping roofs?

mountains have slanting roofs so that the ice can slide of and if houses in mountains heve flat roofs the ice on the roof will eventually melt to water and there will be seipage in the house

What can you guess about rainfall from the slanting and flat roofs?

Flat roofs are used in low rainfall areas.

Wherw we finnd the house with slanting roofs?

We ind houses with slanting roofs as they allow the flow of what in an area where there is a very high amount of rainfall. This prevents from the contaminating of water.

If a rooster laid an egg on a slanting tin roof which way does the egg role?

Roosters don't lay eggs.

What does houses in the middle east look like?

There aren't many houses in the middle east but I think they use clay as cement and straw for the roof.

Why is it that the houses in the Tarai region and in Goa and Mangalore have sloping roofs?

The houses in the terai regions and in Goa and Mangalore have sloping roofs because there is very heavy rainfall. If there is no slanting roof, the water of the rain will collect there which weaken the strength of roofs.

Why do houses in kashmir have sloping roofs?

due to heavy rainfall and heavy snowfall people use slanting roofs so that the rain and snow easily slides of. gauri aggarwal vi

What does slanting mean in baking?

There are 2 types of slanting in baking, one is the type of pan you use, and two is that your product comes out lopsided.

What is a saltbox?

Type of era home construction where the dwelling was a single story house with a slanting roof which is long on the back side then the front side.