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Roosters don't lay eggs.

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Q: If a rooster laid an egg on a slanting tin roof which way does the egg role?
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What is the use of slanting roof houses?

A slanting roof means that any rain on the roof will drain rather quickly thanks to gravity. Makes it easier to keep the water from getting into the house that way.

If a rooster laid an egg on a roof which way would it fall?

It wouldn't roll either way, Roosters don't lay eggs.

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Flat roofs are used in low rainfall areas.

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Most houses have sloping roofs including Ranch, Colonial, cottage, saltbox...

What is a saltbox?

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Why do houses on mountains have sloping roofs?

mountains have slanting roofs so that the ice can slide of and if houses in mountains heve flat roofs the ice on the roof will eventually melt to water and there will be seipage in the house

If a rooster is on a roof an hatches a egg with way does the egg fall?

that's funny cause if u don't know rooster don't lay eggs."ha ha".

What are the techniques for constructing houses in the areas of heavy rainfall?

A technique for constructing houses in areas of heavy rainfall is steeply sloping roofs. The steeply sloping roof will allow the rainwater to run off and avoid it collecting on the roof, adding unwanted weight to the roof.

A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof Which side is the egg going to roll off on?

Um, roosters don't lay eggs, the hens do! (Nice one!!) I disagree .. The question clearly states that a rooster had laid an egg ... The fact that a Rooster has laid an egg is irrelevant. Clearly the egg will go nowhere because it is balanced perfectly on the tip of the point! Errrrr..... If you look in joke books, it says: It didn't roll because roosters don't lay eggs! I know that because my nephew loves joke books and he sent me one for Christmas last year. Yeah, great joke!

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