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Q: What is the use of sulfuric acid in dyes?
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Does dye contain sulfuric acid?

Dyes don't contain sulphuric acid.

Can you use sulfuric acid to make nitrous acid?

No, it is not possible to convert sulfuric acid to nitrous acid.

What substances have a strong acid in them?

A single substance will not have an acid 'in' it, but it can be an acid. The hydrochloric acid in our stomachs is a strong acid. Other examples are sulfuric acid (in wet batteries) and nitric acid which is used to make fertilizers and dyes.

Can you substitute muratic acid for battery acid?

You do not use muratic acid with car batteries. You use sulfuric acid. You use about 35% Sulfuric acid and 65% Distilled (de-ionized) water

What is the name of H2SO4 acid?

sulfuric acid or sulphuric acid

Do you have to use sulfuric acid to clean out a sewer pipe or can you use muriatic acid?

= sulfuric acid VERY rare but it is used and with lots of caution... Muriatic acid DILUTED for concrete cleaning etc. =

Why do you use sulfuric acid in the preparation of banana oil experiment?

Sulfuric acid functions as a catalyst in the synthesis of banana oil.

Which acid you need to use for gold test hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid?

nitric acid

What chemical is use in tire?

acetic acid, sulfuric acid nitric acid etc

How do you make 0.02N sulfuric acid from concentraed sulfuric acid?

Use 0.54 mL of Concentrated H2SO4 to 1000 mL DiH2O.

Why cant we use recrystallization to purify sulfuric acid and lithium?

Sulfuric acid doesn't form crystals; lithium react with water.

What has sulfuric acid in it?

It occurs as acid rain. Sulfuric acid is also used in drain cleaners (but this isn't really common anymore, since sulfuric acid is quite dangerous for most domestic use), and in laboratories and industry application.