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GNOME Disk Usage Analyzer

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Q: What is the utility programs for disk space analyzer provided by ubuntu?
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What are utility programs provided by ubuntu?

disk space analyzer

What are the programs in utility program?

Utility programs found in ubuntu can range from difference aspects of tasks. Common ones are gparted,terminal,disk scan, and the ubuntu marketplace. Ubuntu has changed so much with its previous versions that now it has become a lightweight system where most utilities can be downloaded from the software place and are not bundled with the system. But the opensource is amazing and has many applications like music editing, programs like photoshop, and even programming applications. Hope this helps!

What are the utility programs found in ubuntu?

Utility programs found in ubuntu can range from difference aspects of tasks. Common ones are gparted,terminal,disk scan, and the ubuntu marketplace. Ubuntu has changed so much with its previous versions that now it has become a lightweight system where most utilities can be downloaded from the software place and are not bundled with the system. But the opensource is amazing and has many applications like music editing, programs like photoshop, and even programming applications. Hope this helps!

What is the graphical disk usage analyzer that has the rings called that comes with Ubuntu?

It is called "Disk Usage Analyzer" , it's located under the "Applications" menu, inside the "Accessories" section.

If you download Ubuntu do you lose all your programs?

By itself, downloading Ubuntu will not delete anything. However, if you tell the Ubuntu installer to erase your hard drive before installing, you will lose all your programs.

What are the three basic operating system?

1.control programs 2.sytem service programs 3.utility programs

Can you use Ubuntu programs in Xubuntu?


Are there any other programs similar to XAMPP?


How do you use power iso on ubuntu 11.10?

PowerISO is not supported on Ubuntu. There are a multitude of programs that can do the same thing as well as or better than PowerISO, available for free in Ubuntu's repository.

Who is the manufacturer of Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a community effort and does not have a single maker. It is a distribution that is an off-branch from Linux. Google for "Ubuntu" and "Linux" for more information.

Does Ubuntu support Microsoft Visual C?

Out of the box, Ubuntu does not support ANY Windows programs, released by Microsoft or not. If you install Wine on Ubuntu, With Wine installed, you can run Visual Studio .NET 2003, but no later version.

Where does Ubuntu save programs?

The program is saved in the Home directory, usually in the Downloads file.