

What is the value of us real estate?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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From the desk of R

That question is a bit vague. In what State? In what City? What is the property type? What is the property size? Etc...

To answer your question I would recommend you research the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight and you will get an idea of what the average house values are in your state. You can also look at basic sites that provide Demographics such as best places dot net to get a better pulse on what is going on in your state. My team pays to get current market research in the areas we are interested for investment purposes. It is prudent to know where you are investing.

When you find a real estate property (in a good area) that you are interested in, you can look up the comparable sales in the area that will give you a basic price people are willing to pay for that size property.

History has proven that real estate property doubles every 7 to 14 years. That is why real estate is such a great long term investment. If you are considering investing in real estate make sure you buy properties at a discount and properties that produce monthly income. Without cash flow you will be like the millions of speculators that got involved a couple of years ago. You see where they are today...

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