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Q: What is the viewpoint of the story the pedestrian?
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Who is the protagonist of The Pedestrian?

The protagonist of the story The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury is Leonard Mead

When was The Pedestrian written?

"The Pedestrian" was written in 1951 by Ray Bradbury. It is a short story that explores themes of technology, conformity, and individuality.

How do science fiction and the story "The Pedestrian" relate to each other?

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What movie uses first person viewpoint to tell its story?

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Mead learns he is being taken to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies How is the word regressive ironic help me please. from the story of The Pedestrian?

The word regressive is ironic in the story of The Pedestrian because Leonard Mead is an outdated writer. The profession of writer has been replaced by television in the story.

What does author's viewpoint mean?

author's viewpoint means:•what the author's point of the story is (main idea)•what they view the story as (imagery)•how they would persuade the audience to read their book(s) (publishing/presenting)•removing useless/run-on sentences (editing)

Why would an author choose a third person narrative?

To create a neutral or unbiased viewpoint on the story.

Whose viewpoint is the opening statement of Pride and Prejudice?

The opening statement of Pride and Prejudice is written from an omniscient viewpoint. This means it is narrated by an all-knowing, third-person narrator who is not a character in the story.

Who are the audience in the story the pedestrian by Ray Bradbury?

The audience in "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury are readers who are interested in dystopian themes, societal commentary, and the impact of technology on society. The story appeals to those who enjoy thought-provoking literature that raises questions about the future direction of humanity.

What happens in the climax in the short story the pedestrian by Ray Bradbury?

In the climax of "The Pedestrian," the protagonist, Leonard Mead, is arrested by the robotic police for simply walking the empty streets at night. This pivotal moment highlights the oppressive control of technology and the conformity in the futuristic society depicted in the story.

What is the viewpoint of the choose your own adventure series?

The choose your own adventure series of books can be written in any viewpoint, first, second, or third. First person pretends that you are the main character in the story. Second person pretends that you are Third person pretends that you are god, and have control over the characters in the story.

How might a story be different if it was written from a teacher's point of view?

Stories are totally different depending on who is writing them. A teacher would have a different viewpoint than a student or a janitor or a principal or a parent. Depending on what the story is about, the teacher would see and think and feel different things. Every character in a story has their own unique viewpoint of that story. Think of how Harry Potter would be different if Hermione had been the narrator, for example.