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I believe you are looking for the word "inferring".

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Q: What is the vocab word for the process of making an interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge?
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What is inferring?

Inferring is the process of drawing conclusions or making educated guesses based on the information available. It involves using context clues, prior knowledge, and reasoning skills to make assumptions about things that are not explicitly stated. Essentially, it involves reading between the lines to understand implied meanings.

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Making observations

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making observations

Is the process of drawing conclusions and making predictions from repeated observations?

Inductive Reasoning.

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What skill is a scientist using when she listens to. the sound that a whale makes?

She Is Making Observations .

Which part of the scientific process includes identifying problems?

It can only be identified in the research lab during the research.

What is it called when scientists explore the world around them?

Making observations

What type of processing involves the interpretation of Sensations in his influence by available knowledge experiences and thoughts?

Cognitive processing involves the interpretation of sensations influenced by available knowledge, experiences, and thoughts. This type of processing involves mental activities such as thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making to make sense of information received from the senses.

How do scientist learn from observations?

By making mistakes.(:

How do scientist learn from their observations?

By making mistakes.(: