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9g Al x (1 mol Al/27g Al) x (3mol H2 / 2 mol Al) x (22.4L / 1 mol H2) = 11.2L H2

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The reaction between aluminum metal and hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen gas and aluminum chloride. To find the volume of hydrogen gas produced, you would need to know the molarity of the hydrochloric acid and the temperature and pressure of the reaction. Once you have that information, you can use the ideal gas law to calculate the volume of hydrogen gas produced.

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Q: What is the volume of hydrogen gas when a sample of 9 grams of aluminum metal is added to an excess of hydrochloric acid?
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How does hydrochloric acid and alluminium react?

When hydrochloric acid comes into contact with aluminum, it undergoes a chemical reaction where the aluminum metal reacts with the acid to produce hydrogen gas and aluminum chloride. The reaction is typically vigorous and exothermic, and the hydrogen gas can be observed as bubbles forming. This reaction is also a good example of a displacement reaction where the more reactive metal (aluminum) displaces the hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid.

How hydrogen detected in the carbon and hydrogen test?

In a carbon and hydrogen test, hydrogen is typically detected by burning the sample in a stream of oxygen to convert all the hydrogen in the sample to water. The water formed can then be collected and measured to determine the amount of hydrogen present in the sample.

What is the balanced equation of a sample of zinc metal reacting completely with hydrochloric acid?

The balanced equation for zinc metal reacting with hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is: Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g).

A 5.0-gram sample of zinc and a 50-milliliter sample of hydrochloric acid are used in a chemical reaction Which combination of these samples has the fastest reaction rate?

The faster reaction rate will likely occur when the zinc and hydrochloric acid are in a greater contact surface area. In this case, the 5.0-gram sample of zinc will have a higher surface area compared to the 50-milliliter sample of hydrochloric acid. Thus, the combination with the fastest reaction rate is the 5.0-gram sample of zinc.

How many molecules in aluminum phosphate?

To calculate the number of molecules in aluminum phosphate, we need to know the mass of the sample. Given the mass of aluminum phosphate, we can use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol) to calculate the number of molecules in the sample.

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How does hydrochloric acid and alluminium react?

When hydrochloric acid comes into contact with aluminum, it undergoes a chemical reaction where the aluminum metal reacts with the acid to produce hydrogen gas and aluminum chloride. The reaction is typically vigorous and exothermic, and the hydrogen gas can be observed as bubbles forming. This reaction is also a good example of a displacement reaction where the more reactive metal (aluminum) displaces the hydrogen in the hydrochloric acid.

How hydrogen detected in the carbon and hydrogen test?

In a carbon and hydrogen test, hydrogen is typically detected by burning the sample in a stream of oxygen to convert all the hydrogen in the sample to water. The water formed can then be collected and measured to determine the amount of hydrogen present in the sample.

What is the mass of aluminum sample who volume is 10.0 cm3?

27.3 g is the mass of an aluminum sample with a volume of 10.0 cm3.

What is the balanced equation of a sample of zinc metal reacting completely with hydrochloric acid?

The balanced equation for zinc metal reacting with hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is: Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g).

How can you eliminate a hydrogen sulfide odor in the water from a new hot water heater even after the anode has been replaced with an aluminum one?

You need to replace the aluminum anode with a zinc/aluminum alloy anode.ANS 2 - If a hydrogen sulfide (or rotten egg) odour exists around your water, it's often an indicator of excess iron in the water supply. This can be bad for your plumbing. I would advise taking a water sample(in a sterilised bottle) to a lab and have it analysed. If the iron content is very high you may well have to fit a softener or an iron filter.BTW - changing the anode is an excellent idea anyway. Just may not be the solution.

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A sample sale is when a designer or store sells excess merchandise at a deep discount.

What Metals are in aluminum?

Aluminum is a pure substance. It is the thirteenth element in the periodic table. Aluminum is the only metal in a sample of aluminum, unless it contains impurities.

A 5.0-gram sample of zinc and a 50-milliliter sample of hydrochloric acid are used in a chemical reaction Which combination of these samples has the fastest reaction rate?

The faster reaction rate will likely occur when the zinc and hydrochloric acid are in a greater contact surface area. In this case, the 5.0-gram sample of zinc will have a higher surface area compared to the 50-milliliter sample of hydrochloric acid. Thus, the combination with the fastest reaction rate is the 5.0-gram sample of zinc.

What is the principle behind the shinoda test for flavonoids?

In the Shinoda test for flavonoids, a sample is added to pieces of magnesium and then hydrochloric acid is dripped on the sample. The color the sample turns indicates if there are flavonoids present or not.

How much eat in calories is required to heat a 43 g sample of aluminum from 72 F to 145F?

How much heat (in calories) is required to heat a 43 g sample of aluminum from 72 F to 145F

N2(g)+3H2(g)=2NH3(g)If a sample of 4.50 moles of hydrogen gas was reacted with excess nitrogen how many moles of ammonia gas would be produced?

3.50 W 21.80 x 1/14th

A sample of hydrogen gas is generated from a...?

Hydrogen can by generated, for example, from the reaction between alkali metals and water.