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the ground will start shacking

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Q: What is the warning system for earthquake?
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Was their a warning system before the haiti earthquake?

lol yes

Does japan have an earthquake warning system?

Yes. But not a very good one, evidently...

What ocean do tsunami warning systems protect coastal areas?

There is no real way to warn about them because there is no earthquake warning system.

How much warning was there on the Japan tsunami and earthquake in March 2011?

There was little to no warning about the coming of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 2011.

What is a tsunami warning device?

Animals earthquake

Is there a way to detect and earthquake?

Yes, earthquake is the breakdown of geological structure. There is the pre-warning wave emitted out before the start of the earthquake. However, the detection can only give a warning at a short period of time.

Did scientists detect the earthquake in the 2004 tsunami in time to warn people?

yes but there was not an early warning system so they could not tell the people.

How is Japan prepared to handle an earthquake?

they are prepared by the warning signals that they get.

What warning did meg hear on the radio all day?

The earthquake

How can you get a warning when an earthquake is about to happen?

you notice your mother getting to her feet...

Why can scientists accurately predict where an earthquake will occur?

Because the fault line will act up and that is a warning sign of a earthquake.

How does a tsunami occur What are the steps taken by India to develop a tsunami warning system No one can be prepared for a tsuanmi if the magnitude is very high?

a tsunami is a result of an earthquake in the ocean