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Like many succulent plants, jades prefer the full sun or bright filtered light of a south-facing window. Jade plants do best where they get four or more hours a day of direct sunlight. Plants grown in sun can withstand higher temperatures than those grown in poor light.

Jade plants do best with daytime temperatures between 65 and 75 ° F, and nighttime temperatures between 50 and 55 ° F. During the winter months, protect plants from drafts and do not let their foliage touch windowpanes. Soil should be kept moist but not wet while plants are actively growing in spring and summer. During the winter, let the soil dry between waterings. Although the succulent look of jade plants may cause you to believe that they need very little water, drought can cause dwarfing, foliage spotting, leaf drop and death. Avoid splashing water on the leaves while watering. Jades need a very well-drained soil mix to prevent root rot. A cactus mix with some added organic matter will do. You can also make a mix of one part sterilized organic soil, one part sphagnum peat moss and three parts coarse sand by volume.

Fertilize jade plants once every three to four months. A liquid houseplant fertilizer will work well. Wait four months before feeding repotted plants. Jade plants can live quite happily for years while root-bound. If repotting is necessary, do it as new growth starts. When your plant becomes older and top-heavy, move it to a large, heavy pot to prevent tipping over. Allow the soil to become dry after repotting. You can start new plants from stem cuttings.

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12y ago

A good watering system for jade is to water about every 5 days. They won't be hurt if you don't water them in a while. I once left mine for 3 months without watering it and it was perfectly fine. :)

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Q: What is the water needs for a Jade plant?
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What does that mean for Jade plants that are succulents?

A succulent is a type of plant that stores water in their leaves and stems. When you see a plant that has thick leaves like a jade plant or aloe plant they are considered a succulent. Succulents require little water and can tolerate dry climates and soils. If you ever touch a jade leaf and it is squishy or wrinkled it needs more water, that is a sign that the water in the leaf is not enough. Cactus and jade plants are just some of the most common succulents.

What to do when a jade plant is losing its leaves?

One of the most likely reason is that the plant is receiving too much water. The Jade Plant requires low water levels. You should allow the soil to dry out almost completely in between watering.How_often_do_you_need_to_water_a_jade_plant

Is jade potsdam a kind of a plant?

no, but there is a succulent plant named jade.

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Hi jade plant wrinkled. Looks like fungus. Water makes no difference. No bugs

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Jade is a miraculous all purpose nutritional powerhouse. As a succulent plant, Jade exhibits high water retention properties, and therefore has a high concentration of water soluble vitamins and minerals. It is also known to skyrocket Thetan levels in human females. It tastes great sautéed with canned chunk light tuna. - Malcom Marmot

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How often do you need to water a jade plant?

You don't need to water it too much, because the "leaves" of the plant hold in a lot of water. You should only water it twice a week with about half a cup of water each time. I allow my jade plant to almost entirely dry out between watering. If the leaves look wrinkled, then it is overdue for water, but generally erring on the side of moderately dry soil is best for this houseplant. Over-watering will cause rot, and death to this house plant.

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How much amount of water a plant needs?

Every plant needs a different amount of water. A good rule of thumb is to stick your finger in the soil. If you finger comes out with no mud on it then it needs watering. Another is every 3 days water your plant 3 inches.

How does no water affect plants growth?

When a plant has no water the root dries up. In order for a plant to grow it needs water and sunlight