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their isn't one

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Q: What is the website of this computer that answers questions that are rude?
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Is the person who answers this rude?

No, the people that answer these questions are helpful not rude.

Why are some of the answers so rude?

The answers are sometimes rude because has other idiotic people who answer important questions just for the fun of it.

Can you not to be rude to me no matter what questions i ask?

of course i can if you find some answers on here rude just ask the moderator to delete them

What is my limit of questions daily?

No limit. Just make sure you frame questions so they can be answered and they aren't rude, obscene, or nonsense and you will get answers.

Are the answers on this website always rude and impolite?

No, there are answers here that are nice. Its just that people answer them so they may be rude sometimes although if you come across one you can tell a supervisor about it and we will take a look at it.

Who answers these questions and why are you so insulting?

Anyone can answer a question in WikiAnswers (that's why it's a 'wiki'). As for people who post rude or insulting answers, we try to find these and remove them. You can help the supervisors by flagging answers that were obviously written to offend.

Do you want to have a computer that is not rude to me?

Nobody should want a computer that is rude to anybody.

Make a sentence with the word rude?

Answers dot com does not allow rude answers.

Is it true WikiAnswers is not reliable?

some answers are reliable like this one, but many people post wrong or rude answers about some questions. It really depends on what you are asking and how well known the question is.

Why do people type rude answers into this website?

Because some of them are jerks but you also have the good ppl who type real things on here :)

Why is some person giving rude answers on this site?

Because people are rude

Why are you allowing people to enter rude answers to the questions do you monitor your web page?

WikiAnswers is monitored every day by supervisors, who try to get rid of stupid "answers." But there are many more questions each day than there are supervisors, who also have other things they have to do on the site. So we don't always find every instance of "answers" that should be removed.