

What is the word composition mean?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is the word composition mean?
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Composition means what something is made from, as in "The composition of this soil is sand and loam."

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The word composition has four syllables.

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The origin of the word is Italian (concetare). Meaning a composition for an orchestra with one or more solo instruments

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Compositional is the adjective of the word composition.

What is called composition in Hindi?

'Nibandh' is the Hindi word for 'composition'.

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it can mean two things, (1)mineralogical composition or (2)Chemical composition

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The composition of a substance is what it is made of.

Can you give one word for books and written composition?

"Literature" is one word that means "books and written composition."

What does compositin mean?

The definition of the word composition is "the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up."

How do you use the word composition in a sentence referencing science?

Composition of the atmosphere is changing.

Can you give me a sentence with the word composition?

I just finished writing my composition paper.

What is the Hindi word for composition?

Composition means in Hindi; 'Rachna, Lekh, Banavat'.