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Q: What is the word equation for the reaction of propanol ethanoic acid?
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What is the equation of the reaction between ethanol and ethanoic acid?

c2h5oh+ch3cooh-ch3cooc2h5+h2o ethanol+ethanoic acid-ethyle ethonate + water

Is propanol a stronger hydrogen bond than ethanoic acid?

Nope. Ethanoic has a stronger hydrogen bond

The alcohol and carboxylic acid required to form propyl ethanoate are?

1-propanol and ethanoic acid

What is a balanced chemical equation for propylethanoate?

The word eq'n is Ethanoic acid + propanol = propylethanoate + water. The chemical equation is CH3C(=O)-OH + CH3CH2CH2OH CH3C(=O)-O-CH2CH2CH3 + H2O)

What is the balance equation for ethonic acid behaves as an acid?

Ethanoic acid is another name for acetic acid, which has the chemical formula CH3COOH. The reaction in solution is CH3COOH produces CH3CO2- + H+.

What is the observation of the reaction of sodium carbonate and ethanoic acid?

A weak bubbling.

What is the reaction of ethanoic acid and ethylamine?

It is an endothermic reaction resulting in N-ethyl ethanamide and water

What is the symbol equation for ethanoic acid plus ammonium carbonate?


What is the half equation of ethanol to ethanoic acid?

This reaction is:CH3COOCH2CH3 + H2O ↔ CH3COOH + CH3CH2OHThe products are acetic acid and ethanol.

Is reaction between ethanoic acid sodium hydroxide an eliminatin substitution addition or rearrangement.?

The reaction between ethanoic acid (acetic acid) and sodium hydroxide is a double replacement one. Normally a reaction between an acid (acetic acid in this case) and a base (like NaOH) involves neutralization, which in turn produces water.

Is ethanoic acid an alkali?

No ethanoic acid is an acid.

What is the product when ethanol react with ethanoic acid?

The products are ethyl ethanoate and water. Here is the reaction equation. CH3COOH + CH3CH2OH CH3COOCH2CH3 + H2O It is a dynamic equalibrium . It requirted a little sulphuric Acid(H^+) and gentle heat to set it going.