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Hard hearted, cold, callous.

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Q: What is the word for a person with little or no empathy?
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Name for a person with little or no empathy?

Egocentric. Selfish. Narcissistic. Apathetic. Any one with a high level of the trait of narcissism (an inflated self-esteem, a sense of superiority and a feeling of entitlement) generally has little empathy or sympathy for others. The following links explain more: Apathy: A strong uncare for a person (opposite of empathy)

What does the letters e m p a t h y mean in the word empathy?

Empathy can be learnt, by the way. But again, the person would have to see a therapist to change. Empathy is the ability to understand how another person feels. Empathy is your reaction in a vengence: comes from the Greek word EMPATHIA: Technology of the word= en (the n becomes an m in front of the letter p) + pathos. en = in pathos = strongly; vengence e

What part of speech is the word empathy?

Empathy is a noun.

Do Scorpios lack empathy?

Doubtful. Empathy can vary from person to person, and even from mood to mood. Even the use of the word "empathy" varies wildly. Most uses of the word empathy describe perceptions, orientations, and behavioral patterns that can be difficult to assess in a scientifically rigorous way for a significant sample size. So, it may be a while before any generalizations about incidence or strength of the various flavors of "empathy" can be made. Science or no, it may be possible that empathy is not strongly linked to zodiac sign or zodiac affiliation.

What is the Latin root of empathy?

The lating root word for empathy is pathos

What is the connotation of empathy?

Empathy is when you are able to feel for someone because you have experienced or are going through the same thing. Denotation is the direct, dictionary meaning of a word, what the word literally means. The denotation of empathy is what I just said, feeling for someone because you know through past experience what it feels like to be going through what they are. The connotation of empathy is used more often than the denotation of empathy simply because that's how words work in the English language, the meaning of the word according to the context (connotation) is used more often than a words literal meaning (denotation) The connotation of empathy can vary depending on the context that the word is used in, but most often it is used with the word with. With suggests that you are feeling with the person. Sometimes empathy is used with the word for, but this suggests that you are feeling at the person, rather than with them. When the word for is used rather than with, empathy's connotation changes.

What is the disability that one does not have sensitivity to another person's feelings?

The word you're looking for is "empathy" but I don't think it's a disability.

Can you make a sentence with the word empathy?

By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self.

What is an uncaring person?

An uncaring person is someone who lacks empathy or concern for others. They may ignore the feelings or needs of those around them and show little to no interest in providing support or assistance.

What empathy mean?

Empathy is being able to understand another person's circumstances, point of view, thoughts, and feelings. When you experience empathy, you are capable of understanding someone else's experiences.what does empathy mean

Example of a sentence using a word empathy?

I had a strong sense of empathy and I could comfort the heartbroken children.