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1mo ago

The term for inflammation of a nerve is neuritis.

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Q: What is the word for inflammation of a nerve?
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Related questions

What is the word root for inflammation of the nerve?

Neur- is the word root for neuritis, meaning inflammation of a nerve.

What is the term for inflammation of the nerve?


What is the definition of neuritis?

Inflammation of a nerve.

Why is a nerve biopsy performed?

A nerve biopsy is performed to detect nerve-damaging conditions, including leprosy, necrotizing vasculitis (an inflammation of the blood vessels), other nerve inflammation, and damage or loss of the nerve's protective myelin sheath.

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the nerves and spinal cord?

Inflammation of a spinal nerve root is termed radiculitis.A nerve root injury is termed radiculopathy, a radiculopathy with an inflammatory component is termed radiculitis, and both radiculopathy and radiculitis may result in radicular pain which is pain that radiates in a dermatomal pattern innervated by that particular nerve root.

How Does gabapentin reduce nerve irritation and inflammation?

Gabapentin does not reduce irritation or inflammation. It affects your brain.

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What is the medical term meaning Inflammation of the fibrous tissue surrounding a nerve?

Myelitis is the medical term meaning inflammation of the fibrous tissue surrounding a nerve. An example is poliomyelitis.

What is Papilitis?

Optic nerve inflammation and edema (swelling) caused by intracranial pressure at the place where the nerve enters the eyeball

What is the inflammation of the sciatic nerve that results in pain burning and tingling along the course of the affected nerve?


Is there such a thing as nerve inflammation?

Yes; it's called neuritis.

Is radiculitis an inflammation of the root of a cranial nerve?

no this term usually applies to that portion of the root that lies between the spinal cord and the intervertebral canal of the spinal column. Is inflammation of the root of spinal nerve