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This is the quartered part of "drawn and quartered." The term "drawn and quartered" means pulled up and hung rather than dropped to break the neck, then each limb attached to a horse and the horses sent in each of the cardinal directions.

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Q: What is the word for your limbs being pulled apart by horses?
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The limbs of horses are strong and muscular. That would suggest that they are adapted for walking and running over long distances.

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They got hung, burned alive, whipped to death, drawn and quartered (your limbs being tied to four horses and the horses ran in opposite directions until your body ripped into 4 parts), decapitated (beheaded) and starved.

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Most common to happen, bone beakages, torn/pulled muscles, sprained limbs.

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There is string that is pulled to make the limbs move. Not sure how it works either

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Mathematics is neither an art nor a science. Math is math. (what do limbs have to do with it?)

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no not to people but Chuckwagon racing is highlighted by animal welfare experts as dangerous to the horses, due to the unusually high risk of broken limbs and other bones. Horses die frequently as a result.

What was quartering in the middle ages?

The term quartering had different meanings. In heraldry, quartering was dividing a way of joining different coats of arms into a single unit, providing a quarter to each. As a punishment, some people were hanged, drawn, and quartered, which meant they were hanged until they were almost unconscious, then horses pulled on their limbs indifferent directions, and they were cut into pieces. There are links below.

What were the torture techiques of Attila hun?

He tore apart peoples limbs attaching each limb to a horse and he made the horse go in different directions. He also skinned people, or disemboweled peoples organs. Attila mainly tore peoples limbs of.

Which Breed of horse was origonated in Czehoslovakia?

Kladruber- this horses body is long and tubular rather than deep, with strong, rounded hinquarters and good, clean limbs

How many limbs how many limbs does a crayfish have?

8 major limbs