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Work done is always zero, whatever be the shape of the orbit because electron will be in the same energy state after it completes an orbit

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Q: What is the work done by the field of a nucleus in a complete circular orbit of the electron. what if the orbit is elliptical?
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What keep the electron in motion around the nucleus to which it is attracted?

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Why are electron always moves around the nucleus?

Due to Uniform Circular Motion.

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What did BOHR assume about the motion of the electron?

Bohr proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus.

What did Bohr assume about motion of electrons?

Bohr proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus.

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Bohr proposed that an electron is found in circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus, and they can only orbit at a specific fixed distance from the nucleus.

Orbit of electrons around the nucleus of an atom?

No. Quantum Theory states that we can only know the probable location of an electron. Electron Orbitals are just the three dimensional representations of the most likely location of the electron. Electron movement is not well understood and highly unpredictable.

The farther an electron is from the nucleus the?

The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the greater its energy.

Where are the nucleus and electron cloud?

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How can you use atom electron nucleus and electron cloud in the same sentence?

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