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The worst thing about a bad credit mortgage is the price you have to pay. You get a worse rate and have to pay more for longer than if you have a good credit mortgage.

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Q: What is the worst thing about bad credit mortgage?
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Related questions

Where can a person go to get information on mortgage lenders for bad credit?

There are a few websites where one can go to get information on mortgage lenders for bad credit. Realtor have an article on how to get a mortgage with bad credit. The Bad Credit Whiz website has a list of the top 10 bad credit mortgage companies.

How can I get a mortgage with bad credit?

It is very difficult to get a mortgage with bad credit. You will probably first have to raise your credit score.

Will they give me a mortgage if I have bad credit?

Often you can get a mortgage with bad credit. Bad credit can, though, increase your interest rate, increasing your monthly payment.

Where can one get a home mortgage if one has bad credit?

One can get a home mortgage if one has bad credit from several different places. Some of the places that one can get a home mortgage with bad credit are: banks, and mortgage companies.

Where can I find more information on getting a mortgage with bad credit?

Check out this article about getting a motgage with bad credit... You can learn more about getting a mortgage with bad credit, by visiting,, and

Can I get a mortgage with bad credit?

It is possible to get a mortgage loan with bad credit but you will have to pay a lot higher interest rate and the loan amount will be lower. You can go to HUD and talk to a counselor about securing a mortgage loan with bad credit. There are a few different options for people with bad credit.

What banks allow bad credit mortgage?

Unfortunately, fewer banks will lend to someone with bad credit. Some of the major banks that advertise that they will give a mortgage to someone with bad credit include Paramount Equity and FHA Mortgage.

Is is possible to qualify for a mortgage with bad credit?

There are many different programs to help you get a mortgage even if you have bad credit. You are likey to pay a higher rate for your mortgage but there are mortgage brokers who can help you to qualify.

How could one with bad credit refinance a mortgage?

The first thing to understand is that while bad credit does not automatically disqualify one from obtaining mortgage, it just makes obtaining it more difficult and more expensive, when paying premiums. One thing to do would be to find private lenders, of the sort which deal with bad credit scenarios. Another crucial step is to get a credit review from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian.

Where can one obtain a mortgage quote for those with bad credit?

One can obtain a mortgage quote with bad credit from a variety of financial institutions. Companies such as Fidelity and Wells Fargo, can offer consumers mortgage quotes despite bad credit.

What determines a bad mortgage?

The term bad mortgage is a mortgage which has a terrible interest rate or is unsuitable for the assets in question. Alternatively the term bad credit mortage is often called a sub-prime mortgage which is commonly offered to people with bad credit ratings.

How do I get a mortgage with bad credit?

The best way to get a mortgage when you have bad credit is to take care of the negative issues on your credit. Try to get pre-approval on a mortgage and they will tell you what steps you need to take.