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a blackhead just wash your face with soap for a couple of weeks and it will go away.

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Q: What is this red bump on my face It isn't a zit so what could it be?
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The red bump on the bottom of your boyfriend's tongue could just be a sore that he got while trying to pierce his tongue.

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it could be an infection that might have caused it.

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No, not at all.

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Your Shoulder can move downward, and can cause a red bump and swelling. If blood collect around your spine and shoulder is can cause a red bump and discomfort. Or it could be a type of injury

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no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

What does the bacteria for acne do to make it bad?

it grows up inside the bump and it will turn it red and all dry and like if it get's to hard it will be to hard for it to get off your face and then the bump starts to grows:*(

What could a red bump under your tongue on the left side indicate?

that means you have aids

What is a temporary small red bump on face with a white center goes away after about an hour?

maybe just a skin irratation

Could ibuprofen cause red non itchy welts?

Yes, it my case it does. Every time I take it, within about an hour I develop a red, non-itchy, raised "bump" on my face (always in the same place). It goes away after about 45 minutes to an hour.

Your dog has a red bump on one of his testicles what could it b?

it could be a sign that he may have a tumor, check up with the vet and get a seconed opinion

What is it if you have a small hard painful red bump on your underarm?

If you shave your underarm, it could be ingrown hairs that got infected.

What is a bump under the skin which raises becomes red and itchy found at individual locations?

It could be chicken pox