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Q: What is this substance aids in the chemical reaction process?
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Which feature of an enzyme determines the chemical process it aids?

The feature of an enzyme that determines its chemical process it aids is it's shape. This can be compared to a lock and key. Where an enzyme, as the key, must have a certain structure or multi-dimensional shape that matches a specific section of the substrate, the compound or substance that undergoes the change.

Explain how a catalyst aids chemical reaction to take place and identify the subsequent chemical changes in the reaction?

The role of a catalyst is to quicken the chemical reaction . On reacting, it subsequently appears as a product in the next step of the reaction.

Use catalyst in a sentence?

A catalyst is a substance that causes or aids in any type of reaction. Here are some sentences.That enzyme words as a catalyst in your body.She was the catalyst that started the argument.A catalyst is needed to make this chemical reaction occur.

Is a shape a feature of an enzyme determines the chemical process it aids?


How can aids get?

You can get AIDS from your bodies reaction to HIV.

Is steam chemical energy?

You have aids!

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This chemical is called chlorophyll.

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What aids the movement of substance into and out of the cell in a cell membrane?

endoplasmic reticulum

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the liver