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The threads, chromatin, are coiled into a tight dense mass of DNA to form a chromosome.

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Q: What is threads of condensed DNA?
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What diffuse threads containing DNA and protein?

chromatin. whereas the highley condensed linear sequence of dna which contains many different genes is called a chromosome

In interphase the DNA in the form of loose threads called?

During interphase, the DNA of a cell uncoils from its highly condensed chromatid form to become chromatin, long, thread-like structures.

Is the DNA condensed in all or part of which phases?

DNA is condensed during Prophase, Anaphase and Telophase. Aka, M phase

Is DNA condensed in g2 phase?


What is the condensed form of DNA referred as?

The highly condensed forms of DNA (and proteins) are known as chromosomes.

What forrm do you find DNA in when the cell is dividing?

It is condensed into chromosomes.

Why cant you see the chromosomes during interphase?

In interphase, the DNA has just replicated and exists as loosely coiled chromatins. They have not yet condensed enough to be the form of a chromosome. In the next stage, prophase, the DNA will shorten and condense into the easily recognizable chromosome structure.

DNA molecules that are formed into structures?

chromatin threads

What type of molecules are in DNA?

DNA is a molecule. There are also a bunch of proteins/molecules called histones that organise the DNA molecule into a condensed state.

What type of molecules are found in DNA?

DNA is a molecule. There are also a bunch of proteins/molecules called histones that organise the DNA molecule into a condensed state.

What are the thin threads in a nucleus containing DNA?

Those tiny threads are called chloro- skeletons, and they are fibers in cytoplasm, or your DNA to keep the cell membrane from collapsing, or tightening. I guess you could say that there are the braces of a cell!

Some portions of chromosomes are condensed and DNA is not expressed these dark-stained areas are called?

Heterochromatin is dark stained area caused by condensed chromosomes or DNA. Heterochromatin is located near between the inner membrane and the nucleoplasm.