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Q: What is tooth exfoliation?
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What happens to root when baby tooth comes out?

Actually, by the time your tooth falls out, the roots have nearly completely dissolved by the erupting permanent tooth. This is called exfoliation

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exfoliation exfoliation

What is exfoliation in dentistry?

Exfoliation is the natural process of the loss of primary ("baby") teeth.

What is a sentences for exfoliation?

Regular deep-cleansing and exfoliation should be part of your beauty routine.

How does a baby root canal work?

Not given to babies. ANOTHER ANSWER: Sometimes a procedure called a 'pulpotomy' is performed on baby teeth. It is essentially the same as a root canal procedure on an adult tooth. The tooth is numbed with local anesthetic, the tooth is opened with a dental drill, the nerve and the infection is removed, and filling material is used to restore the tooth. It will typically preserve the baby tooth until the tooth is lost in the normal process of growth or 'exfoliation' where baby teeth are lost to make room for the permanent teeth.

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Exfoliation refers to the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It helps to improve the skin's appearance, texture, and overall health.

What are the reasons that exfoliation of granite occurs?

Exfoliation of bodies of granite rock can occur from chemical weathering of the surface, differences in temperature, salt crystallization, and release of pressure.

How can exfoliation help revitalize your skin?

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and stimulates cell turnover, resulting in a brighter and smoother complexion.

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