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Amylophagia is the consumption of pure food starch and is considered a form of Pica. The etiology of this disease is unclear at this time. Some experts believe a lack of certain nutrients in the body case the compulsion while others feel it is a psychological issue.

Without treatment, anemia and hyperglycemia are the most common health issues that arise do to amylophagia. Usually amylophagia is self-limiting, however, some people can have the compulsion for years. Treatment is based on the underlying causes. Its best to start with your primary care physician and have lab work performed to look for nutritional deficiencies. Treatment begins with nutrient replacement. The next step would be to seek psychotherapy treatment and counselling. Negative reinforcement therapy has shown some success. This is adding an adverse stimuli to the act of eating starch. Behavior change can be strengthened by following up with an alternative positive stimuli. Amylophagia treatment can be difficult but a cure is possible. See your physician today to get started.

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Amylophagia is a condition whereby one has a craving for starch.

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How does Amylophagia affect health?

Amylophagia is a form of pica, and involves excessive eating of starch, such as cornstarch, or even laundry starch. If pregnant, it can result in gestational diabetes, and should be treated immediately. If the person with amylophagia is not pregnant, they should still be treated by a physician, as it can also lead to other medical complications.

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Probably night, but it may constipate you! Too much of anything, even a good thing, can be harmful to your body. Having a craving to eat large amounts of cornstarch is a condition called Amylophagia. Talk to your doctor about it, there are treatments for it.

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