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Q: What is true regarding the expanse of the Islamic Empire before 1400?
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Was Muhammad the founder of the Islamic Empire?

Of course, he was the founder of the Islamic Empire, before the foundation of the first Islamic state by him, Arabs had not central government, instead there was a tribal system, that is, a lot of tribes and every tribe had a chief man.

What areas were gained by the Ottomans which had not previously been held by the Islamic Empire?

I am not sure what "the" Islamic Empire is. There have twenty-five or so different Islamic Empires. However, there are some territories that the Ottomans conquered which had never been conquered before by any Islamic Empire. These territories were primarily in southeastern Europe and included, Constantinople/Istanbul, Greece, and most of its islands, all of the Yugoslav countries, Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary and assorted pieces from other bordering European nations. Additionally, the Ottoman Empire brought Eritrea and Djibouti into an Islamic Empire for the first time.

When was the Muslim empire at its peak?

There is no such thing as "the Muslim Empire". There were numerous (over 25) distinct Islamic Empires that all had distinct rises and falls at different times and places.The Rashidun Caliphate, the first Islamic Empire was at its height in 660 C.E., just before the Fitna al-Kubra (the First Islamic Civil War). The Umayyad Caliphate in the Middle East was at its height in 750 C.E., just before it was overthrown by the Abbassids. The Abbassid Caliphate had its height in the 9th-11th centuries when the Islamic Golden Age happened. The Umayyad Caliphate in the Spain had its height at roughly the same time as the Abbassids. The Ottoman Empire's golden age was in the 1500s, the Acehnese in the 1200s, the Mughals' in the 1600s, Mysore had a peak in the 1700s as did Zanzibar, etc. So there was no single moment when all Islamic Empires reached their peak.

Do you have to do anything before using the Qur'an?

Yes If you not muslim you will have to perform Ghusal (islamic bath)And Whudhu(islamic wash) before.

What is the proper English form of Have you wrote to us regarding this issue before?

Have you ________ to us regarding this issue before?

What is Islamic rulers of Baghdad?

Well, Baghdad has been an Islamic city for the better part of the last1400 years or so. Due to this, there have been many an Islamic government there. The most significant of these is the Abassid Empire (750-1258 AD), which ruled in Baghdad. They also came under the control of the Mamluks, the Ottoman Turks and, before the Abassids, the Omayyads and the Rasidun.

About 88 percent of earth's history is within the expanse of time before the phanerozoic era which is called the?


What was the capital of the African empire?

The Fatamid Caliphate was an Islamic empire from 909 to 1171 AD. Its first capital was Mahdia in Tunisia before moving to Cairo. The Ghana Empire (c. 830-1235) had its capital at Koumbi Saleh, in present-day Mauritania. The Mali Empire (1230-1600), which like the Ghana Empire included Timbuktu, had its capital at ancient Niani, and later at Ka'Ba.

What was the last powerful Islamic empire?

The last powerful Islamic empire was The Ottoman Empire. That's capital was Constantinople (present Istanbul ). Osman bey formed the ottoman state in 1299. After the fall of Constantinople by Mehmed II, the state turned to empire. They used to rule the whole middle east and some part of eastern Europe. Ottoman empire's main area is present days' turkey.None could challenge the ottomans before the beginning of nineteenth century. Things were still good until the first world war. In WW1, Ottomans joined for the Germans. During the war, there condition became bad . The empire was partitioned by the treaty of Sevres and that turned to sultanate or kingdom . That was also abolished by Kemal Pasha on Nov 1,1922.Before the declaration of Republic of Turkey by him, Turkey's sultan was considered as Caliph of All Muslims of the world.. However, some historians claim that Iran and Saudi Arabia are current Islamic Empires. Additionally, the Republic of Turkey has Neo-Ottoman ambitions under the Prime Ministry of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

What were 3 Non-Arab Kingdoms from the time of the Islamic Empire?

England, France, china, India. Read the question before you try to belittle people jack. The question is non Arab kingdoms. Ottoman Turks, are Arab and also Islamic. He/she didnt mention a time or region. It just ask for non-Arab Empire. you could also say Rome or even go to say the United States. Because there is still in fact an Arabic empire.

When did Iran become an independent country?

Depends on what you mean. The current government has been around since 1979. it is an anti-amarican, pro-islamic government. It's the one that you see in the news. Before that, there was the monarchies, who each had different dynasties. before that, the country was ruled by Arabs known as the islamic period. the pre-islamic period, which also consisted of monarchs. The initial being Cyrus the great, centred in Persepolis. this was around 2500 thousand years ago! EVEN BEFORE THAT, there were several other empires, including the Elam empire, which was a separate empire ruling before this time. So yes, iran is older than any European country, and the Roman Empire.

What was the Islamic empire called?

The Islamic Empire was one of world's most largest and powerful empires in the World. It was expected to last at least half a millennium but it lasted longer. It began in 1299 all the way up to the end of World War I in 1918. It started in Saudi Arabia by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and spread across the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, Persia, Pakistan, Northern India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Northern Africa even parts of Europe. It was the home to many fine leaders such as Suleiman the Magnificent and Sallahudin the Great. It was also the centre of the world for Architecture, Art, Mathematics, Astronomy etc.