

What is us social ladder?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What is us social ladder?
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The slave social ladder: look at the caste systems in India

Which nobel was the lowest on the social ladder?

Rabindranath Tagore, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, was among the lowest on the social ladder as a poet from India.

What do you call someone above you in the social ladder?

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Every noble except for the lowest on the social ladder?

Every noble except for the lowest on the social ladder was a land-owner. Land ownership was actually one of the biggest signs of wealth.

What is the role of social mobility in human society?

to climba financila ladder

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What does rungs mean?

A rung is a level on a ladder, but in a social sense, this word is usually used to say someone is on the "bottom rung", meaning, the bottom of the social ladder, lowest of the low. Someone who does not matter at all.

What is the meaning of the ladder that gatsby says he saw in the blocks of the sidewalk?

The ladder that Gatsby saw in the blocks of the sidewalk symbolizes the social mobility and the American Dream. It represents Gatsby's aspiration to climb the social ladder and reach a higher level of society. It also reflects his belief in hard work and perseverance to achieve success.

What is it called ability of people to move up and down the ladder of success?

Social Mobility.

What is the function of allele ladder in DNA profiling?

allele ladder give us the range of repeat for specific markers.

What is the topmost rung of the ladder of laws in the US?

The topmost rung of the ladder of laws in the US is the US Constitution. It serves as the supreme law of the land and all other laws, including federal and state laws, must be in compliance with it.