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Q: What is value of brown black black silver brown in resistor?
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What is the color code of resistor value 0.1?

A 0.1 ohm resistor is color coded brown (1) black(0) silver (x 10-2).

What is the value resistor brown black orange?

Brown (1) - black (0) - orange (4 more 0's) - 10,000 ohms.

What is the value of a resistor marked with Brown Yellow White Black bands?

149 ohms, I believe.

What is the resistance value and tolerance of a resistor with Brown Green Red Silver?

15 k ohms with a 10% tolerance.

What is the color code of a 50k ohm resistor?

Green, Black, Orange, (gold / silver) Green = 5 Black = 0 Orange = x10^3 50x10^3 = 50,000 or 50k Ohm

What is the value of a resistor with brown black red and silver?

That would be a 200 Ohm resistor, and you didn't mention the tolerance, so I'm guessing you didn't see another band which means the tolerance would be at 20%

What is the color code for a 8 ohm resistor?

Green - Black - Red, but this is not a standard value. You probably want a 5.1K resistor, and that is Green, Brown, Red

What is the value of a resistor with red red brown silver?

220 ohms with a 10 percent tolerance. Red is 2 and brown is 1. Brown is in the multiplier band so it is 10 times the value in the first two bands. Silver is in the tolerance band. Gold would have been a %5 tolerance device.

How do you read resistor values?

Resistors have standard colors for identification of the resistance value. In order, the colors are: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray, and white. Reading resistors is a very simple procedure if you use the chart and formula below. Hold the resistor with the gold or silver band to the right and read the resistor from the left to the right.

Resistor color coded orangeorange and brown has a resistance value of?

Orange, orange, brown is 330 ohms.

How do you work out resisters percentage?

On a color coded resistor, there are normally four color bands. The first three represent the value of the resistor and the fourth represents the tolerance of the resistor, i.e. the acceptable variation as a percentage from the stated value. No fourth band allows +/- 20% Silver allows +/- 10% Gold allows +/- 5% Red allows +/- 2% Brown allows +/- 1%

What value is resistor that is colored white white white brown?

When a resistor has a 4th color band, its color is either gold or silver, so I will assume the color bands are white-white-white-gold. The resistance is 99 GΩ ± 5%.