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The Varnas and Jatis are derivatives of the modes of life.

Since there are four Modes there are four Varnas.

The four modes of life:

The four Modes of life are,

1. Instinctive mode - we use this mode when we live under ideal conditions

2. Natural mode - we use this mode when the conditions we live in varies between an upper and a lower limit. It is the epitome of the modes and from this mode we can compare the four modes. It is thus ideally suited for rulers.

3. Virtual mode - We use this mode when have to live outside the limits of conditions for good life. Then using an inverter called god we can live an instinctive quality of life under just one condition or Natural quality of life under few conditions.

4. Modern mode - We use this mode when we have to live outside the limits of conditions for good life and the magnitude of our difficulties keep varying.

The modes are based on the quality of life it gives. The four Varnas too are graded on the same basis.

The instinctive mode gives the best quality of life. However, the external conditions have to be ideal to use this mode.

The modern mode gives the worst quality of life. However, we can use modern mode under the worst possible conditions.

Modes and Yugas:

It is to be noted that the behavior of people in the four modes would be the same as the behavior of the people in the four Yugas. It is to be noted that in Satya Yuga there was only one Varna.

Depending on the external situation we can use the most suitable mode.

Disadvantages of Modes:

Modes can be changed at our will and for personal gain. If we use Modern mode when the external conditions are ideal then we would keep progressing. We may be living under chaotic conditions but may prefer to use the Instinctive mode to create an illusion that all is all right.

The mode of life can be changed in a moment and thus many times in day. If everyone starts changing their modes due to their greed or ignorance then their life and the society they live in becomes chaotic.

It is for this reason the four modes were banned and four ways of life were introduced.

The four ways of life:

They are,

1. Instinctive way of life/ Brahmin way of life

2. Natural way of life/ Kshatriya way of life

3. Virtual way of life/ Vaishya way of life

4. Modern way of life/ Shudra way of life

Contrary to popular belief ways of life are not based on occupation. However, some ways of life are more suitable for people with certain occupations. Thus, Natural mode ideally suits the Kshatriyas since they would be able to know about the ways of life of all the four classes. Virtual way of life suits farmers and traders because their business is unpredictable. For people doing odd jobs the Modern way of life is ideally suited.

We can't change our way of life like the way we can change our modes. This is because modes are not visible to others and ways of life are clearly visible. This makes ways of life of people interdependent and unchangeable.

Also to be noted is the fact that god exists only in the Virtual mode only. However, it exists of all the four ways of life.

The ways of life and the Ashramas:

The four way of life should not be confused with the four Ashramas of life. They are just stages of life. The last two stages differ in the four ways of life.

The four modes of life corresponds precisely with the ways of life and the Varnas.

The Jatis:

Since the ways of life are very broad they are subdivided again into Jatis.

The Jatis measure the natural status determined by the average skill of the individual.

Thus, it is supposed to be determined at birth because the average skill can't be improved in later life.

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