

What is void main in C programming?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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The main function in C serves as the entry point of your application. A C program is not valid without a main function.

There can only be one main function in your program, but you may use a choice of prototypes:

int main (void);

int main (int argc, char* argv[]);

You use the first version when your program has no need for command line arguments (also known as command line switches). The second version passes the full command line in the argv argument as a null-terminated array of null-terminated strings. The argc argument holds the count of strings in argv and is always at least 1 since the program name is part of the command line (stored in argv[0]). Any switches passed to the program will be found in argv[1] through argv[argc-1]. The last argument, argv[argc], is always the null-terminator (a pointer to null).

The return value allows you to return an integer to the host environment. Typically you will return 0 to indicate success and -1 to indicate failure.

The void main (void); prototype is allowed in most implementations of C (but not in C++). This simply indicates no return value is expected. However, the prototype is non-standard and if your program makes use of the exit() function to terminate, your program will return whatever value you pass to the exit() function.

Your implementation of C may also allow additional prototypes, however only the first two shown above are standard across all implementations. For portability, it is best to use one of these at all times.

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The point where the execution of the program begins; and when function 'main' terminates, the program-execution terminates as well.

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When a C programme runs it always executes the main() procedure first.

void main means that the procedure does not return anything to the OS when it exits.

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