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hai i cant laugh any more comparing India with Pakistan India has 4 largest and power full miltiry has nuclear power India spend for buying weapons in year 2006-2007 us dollors 22.3billon and Pakistan spends only us dollor 4 billon India alredy defeated Pakistan you don't rember we came to Karachi with our ships and submarine we attacked at 1971 and Pakistan surrender to us you know they are lossers

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Q: What is was the Indian army power comparing with Pakistan?
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What is Pakistan defense day?

6 September 1965, India attacked Lahore - Pakistan, without any warning, to occupy Lahore. Indian Forces were larger in power and weapons. But Pak Army fought well with great courage and defeated Indian forces and pushed backed to their country. Pakistan Army even reached near New Delhi. Later on, Pakistan left Indian territory on UN involvement. Many Brave men of Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy were martyred, to defend their Homeland (Pak-Sar-Zameen means Pakistan). In the memories of brave martyrs and victory, 6 September is celebrated as Defence Day of Pakistan. Long Live Pakistan (Pakistan Zindaabad) By Muhammad Anil Babur Kiani

Is Pakistan army better than Indian army?

ofcrs pakistan army is bst nd more powerfull thn india..... an american army officer says tht if we have pakistan army thn we can take hold on all ovr the world...... pakistan army is well discplined courgeous nd brave..... we broke sovit union nd in un mission pakistan army stands 1st..... evry nation win their war with courage nd braveness not with jst weapons.... but pakistan army have a strong missileess tech tht s more powerthn to india ... we r more power ful thn india in atomic technology..... pakistan army is best prof army..... pakistan zindabad painda bad.....

When did the Indian Army invade East Pakistan?

On 20 November 1971, Indian Army moved the 14 Punjab Battalion 45 Cavalry into Garibpur, a strategically important town near India's border with East Pakistan

Who were the sepoy and whet was their role?

A sepoy was formerly the title given to an Indian soldier. In the modern Nepalese Army, Indian Army, Pakistan Army and Bangladesh Army. it is still in use for the rank of private soldier.

How can we enter in Pakistan army?

we have courge and power and have a lot of money .

Who is more powerful Indian navy or Pakistan navy?

Both India and Pakistan have vast armies. Which one is stronger? No one can be sure. If we exclude nuclear arsenal, then India has the upper hand in infantry, artillery (both by number of soldiers and technological support). Pakistan's Navy is far weaker. By air, muscles are to be evaluated carefully, looking for all the parameters.