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Q: What is water that flows due to the gravitational forces among earth?
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What energy is referred to when water flows due to gravitational forces?

tidal energy

What would happen if you generated gravity in a electromagnetic field?

The earth has gravity and an outer EMF. So the forces coexist. An electrical cable has a gravitational force but extremely small. When a current flows through the cable an electromagnetic field is also created (EMF). An EMF can conversely generate an electric current. The EMF pushes the electrons along the cable in one direction. Gravitational force exists between the atoms. The forces can thus vectorially added.

How gravity effects glaciers?

The mutual forces of gravitational attraction between a glacier and the Earth cause the glacier to slowly 'flow' downhill. Also, if any of the ice should melt underneath the glacier, then the resulting liquid water flows similarly downhill, although faster than the ice does.

What will the government do if the ocean over flows on half of the earth?

What will the government do if the ocean over flows on half of the earth

Why water flows downwards?

Water flows downwards due to Earth's gravity.

What causes flow?

Several factors can cause pyroclastic flows. Fountain collapse of a volcano's eruption column structure, and gravitational collapse may cause pyroclastic flows.

How do mud flows differ from earth flows?

mud flows differ from earth flows due to the fact that earth flows is slow moving downslope movement of water-saturated,clay-rich,sediment, most characteristics of humid regions and mud flow is soil and rock fragments containing a large amount of water.

What things affect the shape of the earth?

1.Sun's gravitational force due which it revolves around the Sun. 2.Earth's gravitational force which keep its Rotation/wobble around it's own axis. 3.Interplanetary and natural satellites gravitational forces which keeps the motion of universe in round shape as earth. :)

What flows among organisms in the food chain?

energy and heat

What that flows across earth surface?


What is the oil viscocity?

The viscosity of oil is the rate that it flows, and its resistance to shear forces.

How do planes defy gravity?

They don't defy gravity. Gravitational attraction affects planes just like anything else. The wings of an aircraft generate lift which when the plane is going fast enough is a stronger force than the gravitational attraction of the earth. To do this the wings split the air flow going over it into an upper and lower part. Because the wing is curved it forces the air to travel further when it flows over the wing than when it flows under. The molecules of the air in the upper part are therefore slightly separated out from each other which creates a small vacuum effect. The wing rises to fill this vacuum pulling the aircraft up with it.