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Physical and verbal bullying are both major problems. physical bullying can lead to many problems with health and emotions. verbal bullying can be just as big a toll. if you, your child, or your friend is being bullied, then talk to a teacher, principal or counselor. These people can help find solutions to the bullying problem. Good luck!

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Physical bullying may often feel like it's the worst form of bullying but verbal bullying has been known to cause many mental problems in the victim as well as pushing towards suicide.

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Q: What is worse physical or verbal bullying?
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Which are the three types of bullying?

The three types of bullying are physical bullying, verbal bullying and cyber bullying.

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there is verbal and physical

What is a type of bullying?

there are several, verbal, physical, and more

What type of bullying is done in school?

verbal physical and emotional

Is verbal bullying is as harmful as phyisal bullying?

Of course, if not worse! Physical bullying can hurt but verbal bullying can hurt in a much different way. The way that people bully people verbally is horrible and i think its worse that physical bullying in some respects.Verbal bullying can lower your self esteem and make you feel worthless and not good about yourself whereas physical bullying can do the same but also result in something like a black eye.Physical bullying is bad and I do not like any of them, but if I had to say that one of them was worse i would say verbal.Verbal bullying can be more hurtful than physical bullying. There are no outward scars, but there ARE scars, but the scars with verbal bullying are on the INSIDE and those scars can last for a long time, even for LIFE.The old saying 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is UNTRUE. In truth, words DO HURT and they can cut like a knife, they wound and they cut to the core and to the heart and words can reduce a person to sadness and to tears. Also gossiping, rumours, backstabbing, lies, betraying and talking/laughing behind backs is verbal and emotional bullying as well!Treat people with kindness, friendliness, dignity, honesty, loyalty and respectfulness at ALL TIMES, no matter what.Verbal bullying can also include spreading false rumours. However, it is often easier to deal with physical bullying - it is often easier to see it happening or there are signs to show what has happened.

Is isolation part of bullying?

Isolation can be used as a form of bullying however its better than physical and verbal abuse

What types of bulling is there?

If you meant bullying then verbal(Ex. mean words, cyber bullying??) and physical(ex. punching, kicking)

How can verbal bullying happen?

if someone is teasing you that is verbal bullying

Which is worse mental or physical bullying?

It always depends on the severity of the bullying. Both are very bad and should be immediately stopped. Physical bullying generally also goes hand-in-hand with emotional and mental bullying, whereas mental bullying can be found alone, but neither are any worse than each other and both can lead to depression and suicide if not dealt with. The first step is to talk about it with an adult you trust.

What are the similarities between cyberbullying and bullying?

the only one i can think of is that they both hurt the person they're bullying

What are the main types of bullying?

Cyber bullying verbal bullying physical bullying or verbal physical and gang bullying gang bullying is a group bullying a single person all together therefore gang (grouped up) bullying hurts and scars even more