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It could be any number of things from worms, to infection, to organ failure. If your cat has blood in its feces, take it to the vet immediately.

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Q: What is wrong if a cat has blood on its feces?
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My cat has blood in its feces and I've taken it to the vet and they say there is nothing wrong So what do I do then?

As long as the cat is acting as it usually does, let some time go by (a month?) and if it happens again, either take the cat to the same vet or to another vet for a second opinion. Take a sample of the feces into the office with you and ask them to test it for blood.

What is wrong if a cat has blood in its feces?

AnswerThis could be anything from worms to intestinal bleeding so it's best to take your cat to the vets right away and get a proper diagnosis. It is important diagnostically to determine if the blood is IN or ON the feces. The anal sacs in a healthy cat exude a thin "slime" on the surface of the feces during defecation. If the anal sacs become infected or crusted shut, then burst, blood can be included in this coating, however, this is more prevalent in dogs than cats.

Why does my cat have sacs of mucus and blood in his soft feces?

It is difficult to say, but that can be a sign of a serious disease, such as cancer. You should have the cat checked out by a veterinarian to be sure.

Why is your cat emitting a brownish-reddish liquid?

That would be feces. Feces is the expulsion of dead and spent blood cells, mixed with digested and non-digested waste. It is usually brown, but can be green. It also doubles as a cat delectable treat.

Is cleaning a house that is covered in cat feces dangerous for a human?

Yes. Where there is cat feces, there is also cat urine, and urine decomposes into ammonia, which is a poisonous gas. In addition, cat feces contains bacteria, and in a house full of cat feces, the feces become aerosolized, which increases the chance of the bacteria to be inhaled. The decomposition of cat feces releases sulfur-containing gases, some of which might be changed to sulfuric acid when dissolved in water (as they would be in the lungs).

Can yoe eat cat feces?


Does cat feces effect COPD?


Will cats feces smell if it has worms?

ALL cat feces (or any feces of all species) has an odor, but if a cat's feces has an especially putrid odor, along with possibly being loose, it is possible that the cat has coccidiosis. Which is caused by a protozoan parasite. Kittens have died from lack of treatment for coccidia.

Is it true that you can get a certain type of brain disease from cat feces?

Yes, toxoplasmosis, which can be transmitted by careless handling of cat feces, can affect the brain.

You pass blood each time you go to pass feces The blood first before feces?


What do you call cat poop?

Cat scat if you're looking for a rhyming phrase.

What could be wrong if a cat has blood in it's feces?

Digestion issues related to diet can cause loose stool in cats. Put the cat on a natural food like Alpha with prebiotics that will balance his digestive system and help him to have a more solid, healthy stool. This will also make the litter box easier to clean.