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Without actually seeing the penis, it's difficult to tell. Boars have a fibrous penis, so there shouldn't be much swelling during sexual arousal. I would suspect an infection in the penis, or possibly cancer in an older boar. A veterinarian can examine your boar and give you a more precise answer based upon a physical examination.

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Q: What is wrong if a male pig's penis is enlarged?
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Do male pigs have internal or external genitalia?

Well technically both. A male pigs scrotum (like that of a humans) is located externally, and can be found underneath the tail. However the penis is internal and is "uncovered" when the male pig needs it

How do you tell female and male guinea pigs apart?

the female will have a Y shaped butt . the males Y tends is wrinkly and tends to look moor like an I shape. i own 2 Guinea pigs who stared in the movie G-FORCE BLASTER & JURAZ (WARAZ) GUINEA PIGS: TELLING A MALE FROM A FEMALE

Is there male and female pigs?

Yes, there are male and female pigs.

What is a gerbil male called?

A male gerbil is called a buck sonic luva22: wrong! a female is a Sow and a male is a Boar Sonic luva is thinking of Guinea Pigs...Male gerbils are bucks, female are does.

What is the male pigs name?

It's is same for guinea pigs and normal pigs. Bore is male and Sow is Female.

What structure transports both wastes and reproductive cells to the outside of the body?

In male pigs, wastes and reproductive cells are transported outside the body through the penis.

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Are all pigs female?

No, there are male, female and young pigs.

What went wrong at the Bay of Pigs?

the pigs went to their slauter

What are male and female pigs called?

female pigs are called sowsMale Pigs are called Boars, neutered pigs are called Barrows and female pigs are called Sows or Gilts if they have not had babies yet.the boar (male) and sow (female)SowBoar and sow.

How do you get to know the sex of the guinea pig?

press just lightly above the genitals and male penis will protrude, also the eneral shape, its much more obvios with older g pigs