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it's been dead for 3-4 weeks

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Q: What is wrong if your Mississippi map turtle floats lopsided wont eat and lays on the basking area all day?
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Related questions

What is turtle basking?

you use the skin of a turtle and make it into a basket.

In a basking turtle is the shell temperature typically warmer than the core temperature?


Do red eared sliders need a dry area?

Yes, red-eared sliders need a dry area to get out of the water. Above this area should be a turtle basking lamp. Aquatic turtles will bask daily. Basking keeps the turtle's skin and shell health from fungus while the UV in the light is needed for the turtles growth. Without a dry area and a basking light your turtle will not be healthy and happy.

Where should heat lamp be located in turtle aquarium?

About 10-12 inches above the basking area.

When turtle was moved to larger tank she is basking more she sick?

no she is not...she probably swam more and wore herself out.

What does turtle basking look like?

all you really need is a rock that is big enough to hold the turtle and it has to go above water to let the turtle climb out of the water and onto dry land to bask. Above to rock...there needs to be a heating lamp. If you dont have a heating lamp then put some kind of light over the basking area until you get one. Of course if you want to spoil your pet turtle then you can go out to the pet store and buy all different kinds of basking areas... What gives me an idea is that i go to and type in water turtle habitats and look at the pictures.

What does Mississippi map turtle eats?


Can a Mississippi map and a eastern painted turtle be in the same tank?

the answer to that is yes well, sort of, a map turtle is a variety of species: Mississippi map turtle Texas map turtle Cagle's map turtle Black knobbed map turtle Ouachita map turtle P.s. if you want to get a map turtle you should get the Texas map turtle! the males at full maturity get to about 3.5 inches

Can a turtle live in a ten gallon tank?

A ten gallon is really too small for even the smallest of turtles. Try starting a hatchling in a 20 gallon aquarium, even then though it will outgrow that size in about a year. Make sure that you provide your turtle with a dry basking spot, with basking lamp, AND a UV producing fluorescent light.

What do you need before you get a long necked turtle?

A tank, Uvb lights, basking land, water filter, water heater , stones and food.

My turtle has a white shell how do you treat it is it a problem?

This is something that needs pictures and more information. Do you have a basking spot for your turtle? Why species of turtle is it? How much water does it live in? Does your water have a lot chlorine? How old is it? Is it an albino turtle? Is your turtle wheezing or have mucus coming out of its eyes or nose? There is so much information needed before anyone can even begin to answer that question for you.

How do you wrm a turtle up?

turtles need uva/uvb light and a heat lamp for basking they have special glands under their legs to take in vitamens and will die if they do not have this. If the turtle is sick from not have enough heat simply dip the turtle in water if not already wet and place on basking spot you may also need to call your vetrinarian for vitamen suplements and antibiotics if the turtle does not start looking better in 24-48 hours. make sure the tank is set up right and has uva/uvb light,heat lamp for basking,turtle dock,decoration and background for security,a good filter,staple diet of turtle pellets and ocasionlly soft bugs like crickets, mealworms, beatles fish but noooo goldfish repeat noooo goldfishas this can cause kidney failure but guppies are fine.hope this helps and good luck.