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Your hamster may have a problem which is causing him diziness and confusion. I think it is just safest if you get him checked out by a vet.

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Q: What is wrong if your hamster is running in circles?
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Why does my hamster dribble when she's running about free?

I wouldn't worry, my hamster always dribbles, and there's nothing wrong with her!!

Is you hamster dying when it is running round in circles with its ears pinned back?

No, Well MAybe, Somethimes Animals Get A Personality When They Grow !! x no my hamster did that loads it means its ither listening even tho my 1ones deaf.... or for exercise

What could be wrong with your hamster if his hind legs are going round in a circle as he walks?

Neurological problems can cause hamsters to move in circles. These types of problems are often caused by inbreeding in hamsters.

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Is something wrong with our hamster if he doesn't roll around in his hamster ball?

No, there is nothing wrong with your hamster. My guinea pig never runs around in her ball, and your hamster may just be getting old.

How does a hamster excise?

by running on their wheel

How do you internalize a norm?

by running in circles

Can a hamster make an light bulb light up by running in his hamster wheel?


If a hamster falls but it is still running around are they ok?

Usually they are okay. But they are so small it's sometimes hard to tell if something is wrong with them. If the hamster squeals a lot after it has been dropped, and it didn't before it was dropped.. Then something may be wrong with it. Also if it sort of limps, then there is something wrong with it. If any weird behavior happens after you dropped it that it didn't do before then that's a sign that there may be something wrong with it.

How do you get a hamster in Animal Crossing Wild World?

A hamster cage is one of the furniture pieces available in Wild World. When you get it, a hamster is running in the wheel. That is how you obtain a hamster.

Is there something wrong with my hamster?

If you believe something is wrong with your pet you should see a vet or a rodent specialist to help as soon as possible. Whatever is wrong with your hamster could kill it.

How big of a cage would you need for a dwarf hamster?

a square foot of running space per hamster