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Maybe this "cow" that you are concerned about isn't a cow at all. Joking aside, if this is indeed a cow and not a different animal, illness like pneumonia or IBR can be serious enough to make a cow too sick to eat, thus not burp up and chew cud.

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Q: What is wrong with a cow that don't chew the cud?
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Do bison chew cud?

Yes, like the cow, the bison regurgitate their food. Yes, Bison chew cud.

Does the Watusi chew its cud?

Yes. The Watusi is a breed of cow, which is a ruminant, which chews cud.

What do you call the food that a cow brings back to its mouth to chew?

Cud. Cows regergitate grass and it is call cud. Hence cows chew their cud.

Where does a cow's cud come from?

A cow will eat grass and then swallow it , then after it has been in their stomach for a while they will then do a bit of a reguritation or throw up and then re chew that grass this is what is called their chewing of the cud

What does the cow chew after regurgitation?

Cows chew the cud, which is a partly digested bolus of plant material she had swallowed whole earlier.

How many times does a cow chew its cud?

It will take about 62 regurgitation and chewing rotations to fully chew their cud, food is fully digested at about 24 hours.

Do bongos chew their cud?

Yes. Bongos chew their cud.

What does bible say about pig?

no you should not eat the pig because the bible says"the pig has split hooves but do not chew cud" so they are unlean, you can eat any animal with split hooves and chew cud,even cow

Do kangaroos chew cud?

the tree kangaroos dont chew sud because they cant cause their teeth arent made for it

What can a cow never do?

- Eat meat when it wants to - not chew cud - rear up like a horse or deer can - etc.

In a paddock what does a cow do?

If the paddock you are referring to is in a pasture, then she would be grazing in that pasture. And maybe laying down to chew her cud occasionally.

Do all pig species chew cud?

No. Pigs are not ruminant; none of them chew cud.