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If they are too fat they are most likely pregnant

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Q: What is wrong with hamsters when day are to fat?
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Do hamsters have blubber or fat?

they have fat

Are fat hamsters smarter than skinny hamsters?


Why do hamsters get a ball on the troat?

Because there fat

Your hamsters cheeks are swollen what is wrong?

Nothing is wrong with them. Hamsters store food in their cheek pounches and regurgitate it in the nest for later consumption.

Why do hamsters bite you?

Hamsters usally bite if you touch them in the wrong placeor if they are in stress or if they hurt them self

Why do you call a hamster a fat leg?

um... i dont call hamsters 'fat legs' sorry

Can teddy bear hamsters die from being fat?


Why do your hamsters keep on pooping every min?

because they are fat

What is the slowest hamster?

fat teddy bear hamsters are and their fluffy

What kind of hamster sleeps during the day and is awake at night?

Syrian hamsters ,dwarf hamsters ,roborovski hamsters, and teddy bear hamsters

What are the signs of pregnancy in hamsters?

go to vet getting fat squiking

Why do HAMSTERS have short stocky legs?

because hes so fat