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Do you mean how can you boil at different temperatures?

You can add lots of salt to the boiling water to raise the temperature. This isn't very effective. The best method is to pressurize the pot (pressure cooker) this will raise the temperature quite a bit, up to 250 degrees at the highest pressure allowed by a pressure cooker.

Do you mean what are the different temperature scales and boiling points?

water boils at 212 degrees F or 100 degrees C

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Q: What is you boil at different degrees?
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Boiling point? There's too much variability. Honey made by different bees or from different flowers will boil at different temperatures. Also if you tried to boil it, the water would likely boil out and leave you with a solid.

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it takes me 20 min to boil water and sugar to 300 degrees.

What degrees to boil water?


What does water boil at?

100 degrees Celsius 212 degrees Fahrenheit

How can water made to boil at 95 degrees celsius or 105 degrees celsius?

it can be made to boil at 105 degrees Celsius if we add impurities to it,as impurities raise the boiling point.

What boils at what degree Celsius?

This question is too vague to answer: many different substances boil at many different degrees Celsius. In fact the same substance can be made to boil at different temperatures by changing the pressure acting on it.

Will water boil at 97.0 degrees Celsius in the US?

No, since there is no such thing as degrees "celius". Water will boil at 97.0 degrees Celsius at approx 850 metres above sea level.

Do all liquids boil?

No. There are liquids that boil at a few degrees above absolute zero (helium for example) and liquids that boil at several thousand degrees above absolute zero (tungsten for example)

What temperature do water boil?

212 degrees Fahrenheit 100 degrees Celsius

What temerature does water boil?

100 degrees Centigrade or 212 degrees Fahrenheit

On what scale does water freeze at 32 degrees and boil at 212 degrees?


How many degrees Celsius must it be to for water to boil?

100 degrees Celsius