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Q: What islands were formed when an underwater mountain reached the ocean's surface?
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Related questions

What is an example of an underwater mountain that reached the surface?

All of the Hawaiian Islands.

What is the depth of an underwater mountain?

An underwater mountain has height from the ocean bottom, the top and bottom of the mountain have depth from the surface of the water.

Which ocean feature is an underwater mountain that does not reach the surface?

mid ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges.

What are islands arc volcanoes?

Island arc volcanoes are islands that form in chains underwater and emerge above the surface for form a series of islands.

What is a sea mount?

A sea mount is an underwater mountain that does not reach the water's surface (sea level)

What is sea mounts?

A sea mount is an underwater mountain that does not reach the water's surface (sea level)

A seamount is what?

A seamount is a mountain rising from the ocean seafloor that does not reach to the water's surface (sea level), and thus is not an island.

Can a volcanic mountain form underwater and on earths surface?

Some volcanoes arise on land; others begin under the seabed and eventually grow tall enough that part of them is above water. Volcanic islands such as Hawaii are an example of this second type.

What do you call a sea version of a volcano?

A sea version of a volcano is called an underwater or submarine volcano. These volcanoes erupt beneath the surface of the ocean, releasing magma and gases into the water. They can create new islands or extend the size of existing ones.

What forms when an underwater mountains reaches the oceans surface?

a girl comes out and becomes a mountain and then she builds her own island bye bye

Do islands float on water?

Islands are not floating freely on the surface of the water. They are locations where the solid surface of the earth are elevated above sea level. Imagine a hilly field slowly filling with water. You will reach a point where the tops of some of the hills become isolated from one another with water all around.

The name of the illness when you change altitudes too quickly?

Acute Mountain Sickness. If you're coming up from underwater to the surface too fast, you can get the Bends.