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The control of commerce.

The various states felt that they were independent of one another and had the right to tax goods of other states coming into their ports or across their borders. When Virginia asserted the right to seize vessels from other states as well as other countries that did not pay its import taxes, it became apparent that something had to be done. At first members of the states met in the Annapolis Convention to discuss commerce among the states, but it soon became apparent that no state wanted to relinquish its sovereignty. Congress then called for a convention ". . . for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation."

Another incident was Shays' Rebellion in 1786 where citizens rebelled against taxation by the government of Massachusetts. George Washington was appalled that the federal government was powerless to stop such a rebellion that was almost exactly like the American Revolution, in which colonials rebelled against taxation by Great Britain.

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Q: What issue helped inspire the constitutional convention?
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