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A battery

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Q: What item converts chemical energy into electrical energy?
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What sort of energy is stored in an electrical cell?

Stored Chemical energy, which is transfered into the electrical item, pushing the negative charge which is electrisity.

What household item is similar to chloroplast?

Chloroplasts converts light energy into chemical energy.This is similar to solar panel

What item transfers electrical energy to mechanical energy?

An electronic motor transfers electrical energy to kinetic energy (movement energy). These use electromagnets, powered by your power source (eg. Batteries).

What is a household item that uses chemical energy?

When it comes to chemical energy the type of things that are household that use chemical energy are things like pots and pans. What I mean by this is they only use chemical energy if they are doing something like cooking or scrambling an egg.

What item go from chemical energy to thermal energy?

Items do not go from one form of energy to another other than in thermonuclear fusion or fission.

Can you make electrical energy?

No. According to Newtons Law of the Conservation of Energy, You can only extract energy that has already been stored on an item. The law states, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Example, You use Uranium that contains a massive amount of energy in a reactor to turn it into electrical energy.

What Household item can represent the job of leafs?

What is the primary function of leaves ? To collect sunlight (supplying the plant with energy for chemical reactions required for life). What household item collects sunlight (for use as energy) ? Solar panels.

What brand of ventilation fans are energy efficient?

Panasonic has a very good exhaust fan that is energy efficient. Any electrical item that has the energy star label on it is energy efficient, which is good for saving money and helping save the environment.

How is it possible for peanuts to have energy?

The energy is chemical energy. To measure this the item could be burned in a calorimeter. Also if the peanut is sitting on a table it could have kinetic potential energy due to gravity if it fell off the table.

What type of energy conversion takes places in a household item?

If the household items work with electricity, they will convert electrical energy to whatever they are supposed to do: movement for some devices, sound or light for others.

What electrical items use cells?

every electrical item idiot

What is an energy using item?

the answer to this question is a television is an energy using item!