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Stored Chemical energy, which is transfered into the electrical item, pushing the negative charge which is electrisity.

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Q: What sort of energy is stored in an electrical cell?
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Describe the role of the Golgi apparatus in the cell?

Basically, the Golgi apparatus is like the packaging plant of a cell. It will sort, modify and package materials from the endoplasmic reticulum, most notably proteins. These packages are then stored in the cell, or sent outside the cell via secretion.

How do cells get the energy that they need Please answer as soon as possible thank you heaps?

It's a combination of mitochondria and cellular respiration. The mitochondria provide ATP energy, and the cell sort of breathes in some energy. Also, some cells burn oxygen or sugars.

What is the function of a nucleus ribosomes endoplasmic reticulum nucleolus mitochondrion chloroplast and vacuole?

Endoplasmic Reticulum- The endoplasmic reticulum is the site where lipid components of the cell membrane are assembled, along with proteins and other materials that are exported from the cell. Golgi Apparatus- The function of the Golgi apparatus is to modify, sort, and package proteins and other materials from the endoplasmic reticulum for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cell. Chloroplast- Chloroplasts are organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis. Mitochondrion- Mitochondria are organells that convert the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use.

When cells break down food molecules energy is?

The break down of food will produce ATP which the body uses as a sort of currency to drive the cell. Such as muscle movement. A small amount is lost as heat.

What molecule carries out instructions for the growth of a cell?

ATP is the molecule that gives a cell energy to perform its many functions such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis in the case of plant cells. ATP stands for Adenozinetriphosphate. It contains adenine and three phosphates. ATP is made though a process known as phosphorylation in which an ADP (adenozinediphosphate) is combined with a phosphate. This takes and stores energy, and can occur with the help of light (photophosphorylation), potential energy (chemiosmosis), and other forms. When ATP is split, all of the energy that was contained there due to phosphorylation is released, giving the cell the energy it needs for cellular growth and development and repair.

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What sort of energy is stored in moving things?

Kinetic Energy.

What sort of energy is stored in petrol?

chemical potential energy

What sort of energy is stored in objects in high positions?

Potential energy.

What is a lamps source of energy?

That would depend on the sort of lamp it is. If it was a gas lamp it would be chemical energy If it was an electric lamp it would be electrical energy However you should understand that on Earth 99.9 % of the energy comes originally from the Sun. The Sun's energy is the ultimate source of stored chemical energy and the ultimate source of the electrical energy we use.

What sort of energy is stored in stretched or twisted things?

Potential energy, or tension.

What is energy stored in an object called?

Stored energy is called Potential EnergyStored energy is called Potential energy.

What sort of energy is stored in the cyclist's muscles whilst biking up a hill?

chickin energy

How can electricity be stored?

In a way it can be. If a capacitor is connected to a battery, it will charge to the battery voltage. Then the capacitor can be discharged into a circuit to do work. But the capacitor doesn't store electrons, it stores an electrical field in the dielectric. If you mean storing the flowing electrons in a conductor, then they can't be stored except in a magnetic containment field such as in a cyclotron. A rechargable battery doesn't store electrons either, it stores energy in a chemical form which is converted to an electrical form when the battery is connected to a circuit.

What sort of energy is associated with watts and volts?

Electrical energy/power is associated with watts and volts.

What sort of energy is stored inside uranium?

Claire and jasmine rule forever123245

What sort of energy is stored uranium?

It is chemical energy because it has been pushed up from the earths radioactive core.

What type of energy is in a big Mac?

Stored energy is inside a big mac. It is the type of energy within any sort of food.