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The Vice President presides over the Senate, but he cannot vote on issues unless there is a tie. He also cannot address the Senate unless given permission by another Senator.

Basically the Vice President is a hands-off babysitter for the Senate.

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Q: What job does the vice president have with regard to the senate?
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What is the role of the president in the senate?

He oes not have a role. The vice president is President of the Senate.

What is the consitiutional job of the Vice-President?

He serves as the President of the US Senate.

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The job duties of the vice president are largely left up to the president. The vice-president actually has one official duty and that is president of the Senate.

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The VP's only job is to be the President of the Senate

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The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate, with the power to break tie votes.

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There is no Speaker of the US Senate. There is however a speaker of the House. In the Senate, the presiding officer is the Vice President of the US, or in his absence the president pro tempore (most senior senator) or his designee.

Why is it often said that the US vice presidency is a meaningless job?

Because the only duties given the vice president are to act as President ProTemp of the Senate, and to succeed the president if he dies.

What role does the Vice President play in Congress?

The Vice President is the President of the Senate. While this job is often delegated to a Senator, to act as president pro tempore, the Vice President has the actual job. The responsibility of the President of the Senate, whether the VP or the president pro tempore, is to cast a deciding vote in cases of a tie. However, the VP can only cast a vote at that time, while the president pro tempore can vote in all occasions a normal senator can. Thus the president pro tempore essentially has 2 votes, with only one used in most cases.

What job does the vice president perform in the US Senate?

watch TV and eat doritos cool ranch

What does the president and vice president do in the executive branch?

The Vice President serves at the whim of the President in the Executive Branch. The Vice President, however, is also the President of the Senate so he has job duties to fulfill in that capacity as well.

Who assists the president?

i think the senate and the vice presidentmostly his cabinetThe Cabinet helps the President decide by giving advice and information, but actually making the decision is the President's job. If the President is on vacation or otherwise unavailable to make a decision, the Vice President decides instead.