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Q: What jobs can you do if you get a promotion as a fashion designer?
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Related questions

What are some jobs that are related to a fashion designer?

Some related jobs are fashion coordinator, tailor, textile designer, interior designer, and milliner.

When were fashion designer jobs invented?

in the 1509

Where are fashion designer jobs located?

Los angeles

What are some jobs that begin with f?

fashion designer

What are different fashion jobs?

There are many different jobs in the Fashion district or field. Some of these include; modeling, Fashion Designer, Fashion Photographer, Fashion Choreographer, Retail, and Fashion Management..

What is a fashion designer's hourly salary?

{| The average salary for Fashion Designer jobs in Los Angeles, CA is $64,000. Average Fashion Designer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "Fashion Designer" anywhere in the job listing. |- | == $64,000 |}

What jobs did Laura Numeroff have?

She was a fashion designer as-well as a writer for kids.

What are jobs related to a fashion designer?

model, desinging, actor and scientist.

What is the highest paid job in London?

one of the most paying jobs in London is to be a fashion designer

What are some examples of laissez-faire jobs?

fashion designer artist sculptor author musician

What fashion jobs are there?

fashion modeling, fit modeling, boutique/store owner, fashion designer, photographer, stylist, sales representative, fashion show producer/director, fashion journalist, fashion editor, and more

What can you specialize in in a fashion designing career or focus on in a fashion designing career?

I can name a few jobs that you can specialize in: -Designer -Seamstress -Patternmaker -Illustrator