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During the Nazi regime in Germany (1933 - 45) men did pretty much any jobs there were at the time. The question would need to be specified a bit more in order to be answered succinctly.

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Q: What jobs did men do in Nazi Germany?
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Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

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He was the leader of Nazi Germany .

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Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.

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The Nazi secret police or the Gestapo was headed by Heinrich Himmler. When World War 2 broke out, he was considered as one of the most feared men in Europe and Nazi Germany.

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Not mandatory for ordinary people. It would be mandatory for people in government leadership jobs.

What types of jobs did Hitler have before becoming a Fuhrer of Nazi Germany?

Hitler was a lumber jack, a butler and a messenger for the German army.

Why would Jews change their names in Nazi Germany?

they were ordered to, men had to have 'Israel' as their middle name and women 'Sarah'.

Can you list human rights in Nazi Germany?

There were no human rights in Nazi Germany.