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Q: What jobs make an average of 121213 dollars per year besides twenty years in the toxicology business?
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Average amount a small business spends on coffee?

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What are average salaries for Indiana gunsmiths?

The average salary is around 30,000 dollars a year. They make around 16 dollars an hour in Indiana. Gunsmiths are a highly specialized business.

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An entrepreneur can make nothing or make millions of dollars. It depends what their business is and how successful they are at it. The average salary reported is 111,000 dollars a year.

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What is the average gas bill for a small business?

Gas is around 40-50 a month depending on size of business. Electric can run up to 125 dollars a month.

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The average cost of utilities on a small business will depend on the actual size of the business. In some cases, utilities will be very cheap. In other cases, it can cost hundreds of dollars a month.

How much money does a coffee shop owner make?

You can earn from 100,000 dollars to 500,000 dollars depending on the location and how much business you have. This is the average for a smaller coffee job, not a chain franchise.

What is the average cost of owning a business?

In 2009, the average cost of starting a business was $10,000 dollars in the United States. This money can be money that has been saved or a small business loan. The United States offers a $5,000 dollar tax write off for the first year for start up costs.

On average how much does a one million dollar liability two million aggregate insurance policy cost?

That would depend on what type of business you are referring to and the exposures of that business endeavor. It could cost you 500 dollars or 50,000 dollars. There is just insufficient information here to provide an answer.

How much money does the average American spend on fast food in a year?

110$ BILLION a year.... the fast food business is taking over the world!!!!

What is the average cost of PC?

The average cost of a PC computer is $615 dollars. The average cost of a Mac is about $1300 dollars.