


College Savings

Planning in order to save the necessary money for tuition to attend a university or other institution of higher learning

250 Questions

What are the four branches of tle?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four branches of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) are Home Economics, Agricultural Arts, Industrial Arts, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Each branch aims to develop practical skills and knowledge in specific areas to prepare students for various career paths.

4 areas of tle and the meaning?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Agriculture - involves farming, cultivation of crops, and raising livestock for food production.
  2. Automotive - focuses on design, manufacturing, maintenance, and repair of vehicles.
  3. Food and Beverage Services - involves preparation, service, and management of food and beverages in restaurants, hotels, and other hospitality establishments.
  4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - encompasses technology-related skills such as software development, networking, and cybersecurity in various industries.

Sub components of TLE?

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Asked by Wiki User

The two-line element set (TLE) includes two lines of data: line 1 contains information such as satellite identification, international designator, epoch time, and orbital elements; line 2 includes additional data like inclination, right ascension of the ascending node, eccentricity, argument of perigee, mean anomaly, mean motion, and orbit number. These components are essential for accurately predicting a satellite's position and tracking its orbital path.

What is activity method of teaching?

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Asked by Wiki User

The activity method of teaching is a student-centered approach that emphasizes learning through hands-on, interactive activities rather than passive listening. This method encourages students to engage actively in the learning process, promoting better retention and understanding of the material. By incorporating activities such as group projects, experiments, and discussions, students are able to apply their knowledge to real-world situations and develop critical thinking skills.

What is one and three-quarter hours in numbers?

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Asked by Wiki User

One and three-quarter hours is the same as 1.75 hours.

What is the purpose of grades?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grades are used to assess a student's understanding and performance in a subject. They provide feedback to both students and teachers on progress and areas that need improvement. Grades also help in evaluating students for further academic pursuits or opportunities.

What construction and working of cupola furnace?

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Asked by Wiki User

A cupola furnace is a tall, vertical furnace used to melt iron and other metals. It works by charging alternate layers of metal and coke (carbon fuel) through a charging door at the top of the furnace. The coke is ignited, creating intense heat that melts the metal charge, which is tapped periodically from the base of the furnace.

4 areas of TLE?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four main areas of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) typically include grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and listening skills. These areas are essential for effective language learning and communication in English. Teachers often focus on developing proficiency in each of these areas to help students achieve fluency in English.

What is the summary for chapter 9 in the wooing of beppo tate?

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Asked by Wiki User

roy and beppo go to get birds for the blackmail by teppy... beppo gets an owl which is not so edible... beppo goes by teppy and say that it is a very big chicken... after teppy finds out that he gets very angry

Do employers check to see if an employees college degrees are real?

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Asked by Wiki User

They typically validate degrees. it is a simple data check. If you lie about them, you can find yourself fired with no recourse. And if it is a government job, you may find yourself facing criminal charges.

How do you effectively save money for your future?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am trying to say up for a laptop and at the age of ten there's not many legal things i can do. Washing my parents cars, reading to my younger sister, bathing my sister, setting the table and selling things on ebay has worked for me. I hope you find this helpful.

The amount of money you make on the college savings plan investment is dependent on?

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Asked by Wiki User

For apex it's "the market performance of the investment"

Do you have to pay tuition every semester?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you must pay tuition, room and board and all associated fees every semester in full, usually by the end of the fifth day of classes. You should check with your individual school to find out their specific deadlines.

How do you get a job in fashion?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are recignised for your styling and designing abilities you may start of in a small buisness then build up to a high class brand like wheels & doll baby, which is all depending on how good you are.

What percent of students at UNC Chapel Hill are getting financial aid?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can obtain this information by going to and using the sites College MatchMaker search engine, or click on the related links section (College Board) indicated below to go directly to the site. You can research colleges and universities by name, or by programs of study, or by geographical location, size, or combinations of all etc. The site will provide you with a list of institutions based on your request. It will give you the schools background, accreditation, degree offerings, programs of study, entrance requirements, tuition and fees, financial aid, athletic programs etc. and a link to each institutions official web page. Make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation (most important). Practice navigating this site. It will be well worth the time and effort.

UNC Chapel Hill

Financial Aid Statistics

* Full-time freshman enrollment: 3,800

* Number who applied for need-based aid: 2,858

* Number who were judged to have need: 1,229

* Number who were offered aid: 1,214

* Number who had full need met: 1,165

* Average percent of need met: 100%

* Average financial aid package: $11,265

* Average need-based loan: $2,663

* Average need-based scholarship or grant award: $9,445

* Average non-need based aid: $4,119

* Average indebtedness at graduation: Not reported

What are Top ranking pharmacy universities in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

The rankings of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program from appears in the following.

Pharmacy - Doctor of Pharmacy Rank SchoolAverage

reputation score

(5 = highest) 1. University of California San Francisco 4.5 2. University of Texas Austin 4.2 3. University of Kentucky 4.0

University of Michigan Ann Arbor 4.0 5. Purdue University West Lafayette (IN) 3.9

University of Minnesota 3.9 7. Ohio State University 3.8

University of Arizona 3.8

University of Florida 3.8

University of Maryland Baltimore 3.8

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 3.8

University of Tennessee Memphis 3.8 13. SUNY Buffalo 3.7

University of Illinois Chicago 3.7

University of Washington 3.7 16. University of Utah 3.6

University of Wisconsin Madison 3.6 18. University of Southern California 3.5 19. University of Iowa 3.4

Virginia Commonwealth University 3.4 21. University of Kansas 3.3 22. Medical University of South Carolina 3.2

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science 3.2

University of Georgia 3.2 25. University of Mississippi 3.1

University of Nebraska Medical Center 3.1 27. Rutgers College of Pharmacy (NJ) 2.9

St. Louis College of Pharmacy 2.9

University of Oklahoma 2.9

Washington State University 2.9 31. Auburn University (AL) 2.8

Creighton University (NE) 2.8

Mercer University (GA) 2.8

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 2.8

University of Missouri Kansas 2.8

Wayne State University (MI) 2.8 The rankings of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program from appears in the following.

Pharmacy - Doctor of Pharmacy Rank SchoolAverage

reputation score

(5 = highest) 1. University of California San Francisco 4.5

2. University of Texas Austin 4.2

3. University of Kentucky 4.0

University of Michigan Ann Arbor 4.0 5. Purdue University West Lafayette (IN) 3.9

University of Minnesota 3.9

7. Ohio State University 3.8

University of Arizona 3.8

University of Florida 3.8

University of Maryland Baltimore 3.8

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 3.8

University of Tennessee Memphis 3.8 13. SUNY Buffalo 3.7

University of Illinois Chicago 3.7

University of Washington 3.7 16. University of Utah 3.6

University of Wisconsin Madison 3.6 18. University of Southern California 3.5 19. University of Iowa 3.4

Virginia Commonwealth University 3.4 21. University of Kansas 3.3 22. Medical University of South Carolina 3.2

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science 3.2

University of Georgia 3.2 25. University of Mississippi 3.1

University of Nebraska Medical Center 3.1 27. Rutgers College of Pharmacy (NJ) 2.9

St. Louis College of Pharmacy 2.9

University of Oklahoma 2.9

Washington State University 2.9 31. Auburn University (AL) 2.8

Creighton University (NE) 2.8

Mercer University (GA) 2.8

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 2.8

University of Missouri Kansas 2.8

Wayne State University (MI) 2.8 The rankings of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program from appears in the following.

1. University of California San Francisco 4.5 2. University of Texas Austin 4.2 3. University of Kentucky 4.0

University of Michigan Ann Arbor 4.0 5. Purdue University West Lafayette (IN) 3.9

University of Minnesota 3.9 7. Ohio State University 3.8

University of Arizona 3.8

University of Florida 3.8

University of Maryland Baltimore 3.8

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 3.8

University of Tennessee Memphis 3.8 13. SUNY Buffalo 3.7

University of Illinois Chicago 3.7

University of Washington 3.7 16. University of Utah 3.6

University of Wisconsin Madison 3.6 18. University of Southern California 3.5 19. University of Iowa 3.4

Virginia Commonwealth University 3.4 21. University of Kansas 3.3 22. Medical University of South Carolina 3.2

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Science 3.2

University of Georgia 3.2 25. University of Mississippi 3.1

University of Nebraska Medical Center 3.1 27. Rutgers College of Pharmacy (NJ) 2.9

St. Louis College of Pharmacy 2.9

University of Oklahoma 2.9

Washington State University 2.9 31. Auburn University (AL) 2.8

Creighton University (NE) 2.8

Mercer University (GA) 2.8

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 2.8

University of Missouri Kansas 2.8

Wayne State University (MI) 2.8

Wayne State University (MI) 2.8

How much should you get paid for washing dishes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Minimum wage. A few states have set their own minimum wage different from the federal government minimum wage (now $7.28 per hour). If you already are in the state where you are considering washing dishes in a restaurant then find-out if the state has a different minimum wage. If the company where you are considering employment has its headquarters (where they incorporated) in a different state than the branch / franchise location where you are considering employment, then the federal minimum wage almost always will be the applicable standard.

How much money do college students make per year?

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Asked by Wiki User

no money I need to find out for a school project!!! I think that they should make at least 100,000 a year, bu use that on food, movies, house payments, and school activities. I need to know how much money they make, also subtracting all the costs above.

How can you get a scholarship to go to college or university?

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Asked by LesPortillo

Depending on the college, you apply for a specific scholarship and send it in. However, there are many other ways to get them. Your high school guidance counselor should be able to help you with anything else.

How much does it cost to get into Spelman College?

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Asked by MomoBabi

Total for year on campus: $ 30,015.00 off campus: $ 20,281.00 heres the link -

HOW TO Write a application for study education loan to bank manager?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sometimes, the cost of going to private school, college, university, or community college (or a vocational school) can be prohibitive. If you need help to afford the cost of a good education, you're not alone. Hundreds of thousands of students rely on loans from private financial institutions or government programs, and then they pay those loans off after they get their degrees (once they are earning money in the workforce). Writing a letter asking for funding should be very easy - in fact, you may only need to pick up a specific application form that is available to anyone applying for a student loan.

  • First steps

Contact the government (or your preferred bank) and inquire as to whether or not they have specific forms for students to fill out - then, ask if these forms are available for download (printable forms) on the Internet. If they do have forms, do whatever you need to do to get your hands on them, and then fill them out as carefully as you can; this is not the time to rush or give vague answers to questions. If you need a friend or parent to help you do things properly, ask for assistance.

Once you've filled out the form, read any fine print, and be certain you've included everything the bank or government agency needs to see. If they want transcripts, tax returns, proof of income, bank account numbers...see to it that everything is there for them. Then, get ready to send the letter. If you don't get an application and need to write a letter (or simply want to include a covering letter with your application), create a typical business letter.

  • Writing a letter

State your name and information about where you're planning to go to school and whether or not you have been accepted yet. Then, explain in detail why you need a loan, and how you plan to play the loan back after you graduate.

It's really very simple to write one of these letters, but be sure to sign your name to the bottom before you send it in.

How much does a person with a two year college education earn a year?

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Asked by Wiki User

depending on the school you plan o ngoing to but most likelly you be paying at least $1632,23 for 2 years but if you go to a cumminity school you pay $67,00

Why is it important to save money when you are young?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many reasons to save money when you are young. Here are three:

Building great habits

By saving money when you are young, you are building a life habit that will help you in the future. It is really hard to start saving money when you are in your 20's and 30's if you never saved money before that. It helps kids to understand the value of earning and spending.

Saving for something fun

There are many unexpected events that can happen in your financial life. Buying new items (example a new car or new house) are difficult to do if you haven't saved money.

Saving for hard times

You can lose your job, you can get injured or realize a significant loss. Having money saved in the bank can help.

The Power of Compound Interest

When you invest money at an early age, it has more time to grow. Since interest compounds over time, you can end up with a significant increase in your account in a few years.

These are all great reasons to save while y

What are the average monthly expenses of a family of four?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rent/ morgage




car payment


